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Liam P.O.V.

Whatever the doctors used to weaken me is very effective. It hurts every time I move. Every time I try to shift closer to Grace, who's upper body is still slumped as she's unconscious. I can feel the pain she is in off of the Iron shackles holding her to the wall. I turn myself onto my side and try to pull the tube out of my arm but the pain is too much to handle and I collapse back to the stone floor, gasping out.

Looking over to Hayden I can only watch as my mates friend is surrounded by the three doctors as she lays on the operating table, facing me. An alarm starts to go off and one of the doctors come over to where a man is floating in a big tube filled with something that is clearly not water. The doctor uses one of the smaller of the two needles in his hand and extracts some fluid from the man in the tank. Then once he is finished I watch as he makes his way over to my mate.

"No..." I gasp out watching him walk closer to Grace. "NO! GET... GET AWAY FROM HER!" I cry gasping in pain as I try to sit up but collapse back down after getting half way to a sitting position. "Grace!" I call to her but she remains still and unresponsive.

"Her condition worsens" One of the two say from next to Hayden but I choose to ignore it, focusing all my attention on the other doctor walking around. The Dread doctor grabs a ladder from the side not far from Grace and pushes it to the right side of my girl, her then climbs up to her he is just high enough to push down the long sleeve of Grace's black crop top and stick the second needle in the inner part of her arm and draws the warm red liquid out into the barrel of the syringe completely.

Withdrawing the needle the Doctor steps down from the ladder and pushes it back to its original spot and walks back to the operating table. I roll onto my side and watch as the doctor with the needles hands them to the one closer to Hayden's head. The new Doctor with the needles brings the smaller, clearer one down to Hayden's neck and then brings it back up again, now empty. Then he hold up the one that is at least 3x bigger with Grace's blood in it. Watching as he squirts some of the liquid out, he then takes the needle and places it at the back of Hayden's neck. I can't see when the needle is pushed in but I can see the sting of pain as Hayden's body jerks at the pinch.

"Stop! Stop!" I shout out, my teeth and eyes shifting, getting the doctor who took Grace's blood's attention. He turns and walks over to me. I roar up at him but the last thing I see before I black out is the bottom of his boot as it connects to my head.

I walk up a little while later, the effects of whatever the doctors have done to slow me down are wearing off. Hayden is dumped down not far from me so I slide myself closer to her.

"Hayden?" I ask getting the wincing girls attention. "Are you okay?" I ask as I slide further up so I can see her face.

" It hurts a little, not mush but it hurts. Whatever they put in me last, it took most of the pain away" Hayden explains.

"Grace" I groan out.

"What?" She asks looking at me confused.

I nod my head in the direction of the wall where Grace is watch as Hayden shifts her head and sees my mate chained up. Hayden gasps in surprise and looks back at me "They but some of her blood in you. I guess, no longer being next to the iron, her blood has the power to take a way pain. I don't know, It doesn't really make sense" I grumble out and look down to where she is holding her side where there are multiple slashes carved into the flash.

"Why are you being so nice to me? why were you protecting me from them? I haven't been exactly nice to you" she whispers to me

"Because I love Grace, and she loves you" I explain "I think I would have helped without you being friends with Grace, we all would. But Grace is my mate. I have to make her happy and if that means helping you then so be it" I continue.

Regression to the mean 2: ChimeraWhere stories live. Discover now