A Novel Approach

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No words were spoken through the ride home from the hospital; the only sound is the hum from Kira's car engine. Dumping our stuff carelessly around the kitchen, Scott, Kira and I lock up the house and head upstairs together. I wordlessly walk into the bathroom and robotically clean my Teeth, Face and Hands, that still had evidence of soot on them.

Splashing my face with water I look up into the mirror and just stare at the girl looking back. I'm unaware of the other person in the room until the tap in front of me is turned off and a hand is on my shoulder, shaking me from my frozen state.

"You okay?" Kira asks looking into the mirror at my face as I just stare back, not speaking "Grace?" She asks and I finally find my words.

"I don't get it... I don't get how I'm supposed to be this...symbol of life and all that happens is death"

"We can't save everyone... we can try but, sometimes we're going to fail... but at least we are trying to help" Thinking over her words I turn to her and give her a sad smile.

"Ever tried. Ever Failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better" I quote

"Samuel Beckett" Scott's voice appears and I glance to the door to the bathroom where my brother is standing watching us. "You're hanging around Deaton too much Gracie. You're beginning to quote people only he would"

"I need friends my one age" I smile brighter to him. "You guys are old"

"Funny... what happened to what's her name?" he asks

"You mean Hayden? She's cool but it's kind of hard to be friends when she hates my boyfriend"

"Grace... Try again" Scott says slowly and I nod to him and look down to the floor.

"Get some sleep Grace... you need it" Kira commands making me look to her.

"Yes Mom" I moan and drag myself past her and walk over to Scott who is blocking the door.

"I love you" He whispers down, leaning down to me he kisses my forehead.

"I love you too" I whisper back as he pulls away I lean up a bit and kiss his cheek. Scott moves aside as I walk past him and trudge my way into my dark room.

Flicking my light on, I close the door and kick of my high heels, I sigh relief and my feet hit the flat ground. Walking to a set of draws I open the top and pull out a light grey tank top, salmon coloured shorts, and some Taco printed socks. Pulling off my clothes I throw them into the hamper and slip into the Pyjamas. Heading back to the door I switch off the light and pad my way to my bed, climbing into the cold sheets, tossing and turning I warm up the sheets a little with some extra help from my powers until I freeze when the sound of wood scraping together signals my window being opened.

A light thud and a grunt whisper through the room and I roll my eyes as the window is once again close and the person tries to silently make their way over to my bed. Because I am facing away from the window and the person, when the sheets are lifted behind me, the cold from the room wash over my body until the person slides into the bed, drops the covers and wraps his arms around me.

Enjoying the feeling of his arms around me I snuggle back into his chest and sigh deeply. His legs curl up to mine our feet ghost over each others, only touching when we move them.

"Are you wearing Socks?" Liam whispers into my ear.

"I'm cold" I whisper back.

"You don't get cold G"

Regression to the mean 2: ChimeraWhere stories live. Discover now