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Grace P.O.V.

It's been a few days since Stiles, Liam and I followed Theo into the woods, a few days since Liam and I told Mason... everything. Right now Scott, Stiles and I are standing in the sheriff office as the man himself gets ready of him 'mystery to us date'.

Handing him a mirror from his, the sheriff looks into it and groans whilst running his hand over his hair multiple times. "Ugggh... I should have got a hair cut"

The idiot known as 'Stiles' decided to make a comment at that "Well you know, someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut"

"I think you look great" Scott comments

"You look very handsome Sheriff" I smile to him from beside my brother.

"Well thank you Son and Daughter, I should have had" the sheriff replies to us, making Stiles go into shock and Scott and I's faces form smug grins to the younger Stilinski. "Oh, what the hell am I doing? This is a terrible idea" The sheriff says pulling his tie undone.

"What? Dad! It's one date. The town implode while you're out with one woman" Stiles says putting the tie back in place then looks to Scott and I then back to his father "Or man" He looks to his father expectantly.

"It's a woman Stiles" The sheriff reassures his son.


"A very beautiful woman" The sheriff announces

"What beautiful woman by the way?"

"None of your business" The Papa Stilinski says smiling to his son. The looks at Scott and I "Any of you" he finishes making me pout. I watch as Stiles looks Scott and I and we just give him amused looks before he turns back to his father.

"I wanna know"

"Drop it Stiles he's not gonna talk" I say walking to the sheriff and brush invisible dirt off of his shoulders . "Very nice"

"Hold on, do you know?" Stiles asks me with a glare.

"Not a clue" I shrug turning to him then moving back to my brother. Stiles moves forward again and straightens his dads jacket but shouting in the station cuts him off.

"STILINSKI! STILINSKI!" A male voice shouts out and the four of us exit the office to see a young guy in handcuffs being held in place by Deputies Parrish and Clark. "I'm going to kill you" The boy insists and I raise an eyebrow to him.

"Donovan, if you think that shocks me. Remember it was well documented in your anger expression inventory, Deputies escort the prisoner out"

Parrish and Clark go to remover 'Donovan' but the guy begins to talk again. "I'm not angry like I'm going to through your window. I'm angry, like I'm going to find you, I'm going to get a knife, and I'm going to stab you with it until you're dead" I resist the urge to laugh at the guys threats "And when you look at me and you ask me why, remember right now, because this is why" during the ending of the speech Stiles and I look at each other with the same look. SARCASM TIME.

"That was cute, you need some work on your threats there darling, a bunny is more frightening" I say and the sheriff looks at me annoyed until his son starts to talk.

"No Gracie, that was awesome. That was awesome, that was great. Can we do one more? Can you do us another? Maybe like Christopher Walking, you know?" Stiles says and rolls his shoulders "Okay you know what? It's fine. You'll have plenty of time to work on it when you're in a tiny little cell. You know, just stuck there... forever" The sheriff gives Stiles another glare, but ignoring it I look at Stiles and we I smirk at each other then do a little fist bump.

Regression to the mean 2: ChimeraWhere stories live. Discover now