The Sword and the Spirit

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Grace P.O.V.

Scott, Stiles, Kira and I walk out of the elevator and come to a stop next to the Sheriff a few steps from the door, who is watching the Hospital staff wheeling the dead bodies of the Chimera Victims.

"Who found them?" Stiles asks his father, referring to the bodies.

"Argent" The Sheriff replies turning to us. "He said the Doctors where down there, He also said that you guys might know what this thing is"

"We've got a theory" Scott says

"It's a slightly terrifying Theory" Stiles adds

"Well the M.E. said that the victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels"

"Hey what if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies" Scott offers from beside me.

"Why would they do that?"

"Maybe they are covering for it..."

"Protecting it like a parent would a child" I add cutting Stiles off

"Protecting what?" The Sheriff asks us.

"A Werewolf" Scott reveals

"It's called the Beast" Kira says, stunning the Sheriff.

"We know, horrifying" Stiles adds.

"We better figure out what we're going to call Parrish, because it looks like his dream is coming true"

"Grace, you side you know what Parrish is..." Scott says turning to me with three other sets of eyes turn to me as I shrink into my brothers side "Grace?" Scott asks gently, pulling me out from him.

"I know" I whisper

"Grace if you know what my deputy is, you have to tell us" The Sheriff insists.

"He's a... He's... He's a... I can't... I can't say it"

"What do you mean you can't say it?" Stiles asks, frustrated.

"I want to, I really do. But I try to say it and I can't. It's like I'm blocked from saying the word"

"But didn't you say what he is before, when He took Hayden's body?" Kira asks, confused.

"Yeah I did"

"Okay so why can't you say it now? What's so different?" Scott asks

"Parrish isn't here" Stiles offers

"That and the fact that when I did say it I was Holding the dead body of my friend my eyes where glowing" I add

"So you have to be with Parrish and using your powers. That's easy" Stiles says cheerfully

"I don't know, there's more"

"More? What more?"

"I said I DON'T KNOW!" I yell frustrated, stepping forward with glowing eyes. Scott's arms wrap around me pulling me back from advancing to his best friend. "Sorry" I apologise to the stunned Stiles in front of me who just nods, shifting awkwardly on the spot.

"Look we'll figure this out later, let's just all go home, we have school tomorrow" Kira offers and we all agree. The Sheriff, stays behind to over look the investigation as Stiles Heads to his Jeep, Kira to her Car and Scott and I to his Bike. My brother and I watch as the other to leave before he turns to me.

"Are you okay?"

"I wanna tell you Scott, I really do. It's just... not time"

"When will it be time?"

Regression to the mean 2: ChimeraWhere stories live. Discover now