The Last Chimera

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Grace P.O.V.

Sleep did not come easy that night, and of what little sleep I got was interrupted by the angry, frustrated cries of my brother in the bathroom. Sighing in defeat, that I will not be getting any sleep, I lift the blanket off and slide out of bed. Padding my way out of my room, I walk to the bathroom and lean against the door frame as my brother lets out an angry cry and slams his hands against the sink, shaking it.

"Performance issues again?" I ask leaning against the door frame.

Scott's head snaps around to me, his glare softening as his eyes meet mine. "It's not funny Grace. Mom called, Stilinski's in hospital, they're working on him. I need to get down there, but..."

"But you can't exactly go to a hospital looking like you stepped out of a horror movie?" I ask, glancing down at his torso that is caked in blood. "Is that from Liam?" I ask stepping forward and taking a clean cloth from the sink and wetting it under the tap.

"Liam... Theo" He says as he sits on the edge of the bath tub. I kneel down in front of him and begin to carefully wipe the blood from his wound. "Have you talked to him?"

"He texted a few hours ago, he was outside"

"I don't blame him" My brother admits whilst flinching as I wipe around the exposed red flesh.

"Neither do I. I know I should, I should blame him for trying to kill you... but my head and my heart are at war with each other" I say focusing on my work.

"I can tell, you wore his shirt for bed" He says gesturing down to my grey shirt I stole from Liam. "You wouldn't do that if you hated him...Hey" Scott says grabbing my hands to stop my movements. I look up into his eyes that are watching me with sorrow and guilt "We'll fix this. We won't lose everyone"

"We'll fix this... Starting with Stiles" I nod and stand up from the floor and walk to the cupboard above the sink. Pulling out a bandage I walk back to my brother and wrap the wound up. "It's not great but..."

"You'd be a great doctor Grace"

"I was thinking more like a nurse... ooh how about a fire fighter? I'd be great at that" I smirk as he slaps me on the arm. "Get ready... I'll be downstairs" I say and exit the bathroom for him to get changed.

Heading down stairs I walk into the living room and sit on the couch. Bringing my knees up to my chest, I wrap my arms around them and lie my head on top, curling myself into a ball. Losing track of time, that I hadn't noticed, I pull out of my thoughtless mind as a fist pounds on the front door.

Snapping up off of the couch, I hesitantly walk to the front door and engulf my right hand in fire whilst holding it up out of sight as open the door with my left. The second I lay my eyes on the man in front my tense body slackens as I breathe out the name.

"Parrish" I sigh and push the door further open, his eyes immediately land on the flames. "Sorry, it's been an eventful few days"

"Tell me about it... Is Scott here?" He asks looking around the front of the house as he still stands outside.

"Yeah he is why?"

"I need both your help"

"With what?" I question, raising an eyebrow

"Her" He says and pulls the girl into my view from the side. I gasp at the sight of my friend who seems to be frozen in place with her head tilted to the right, pale and unblinking.

"Lyd?" I ask as I move out of the way for Parrish to bring her inside. "SCOTT!" I yell next to the girl hoping she would at least flinch from the noise but she doesn't. Sending a worried glance to Parrish, I walk to the bottom of the Stairs and call up "Scott?" but he doesn't answer.

Regression to the mean 2: ChimeraOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz