Required Reading

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"So basically were looking for abnormal behaviour?"

"Anyone acting a little off or weird" Scott responds to Theo.

"Isn't everyone a little weird in high School?"

"Weirder" I say from my spot at the other side of my brother, as the three of us look do at the other students in the quad.

"Good point" Scott replies to Theo, ignoring me. He then decides he's done playing grandma and grabs my wrist and pulls me with him down the stairs.

"You remember Tracy went on a killing spree after reading that" Theo points to the book is Scott's hands, reminding him whilst following us.

"You think it's a bad idea?" I ask

"I think Malia almost getting run down by a car could've been bad" Theo retorts "That's why you guys haven't finished it right?"

"We're going to" Scott insists as we hit the bottom of the stairs and walk out onto the grass

"Scott, I came here hoping to find a pack, I wasn't planning on watching on fall apart"

"Books all we got" Scott reminds him

"Then I'll read it too" Theo announces, shocking me.

"That's awesome, so while you lot stay in on a Friday night and have your little creepy book club, I'll be out with Liam, speaking of him, I have to go find him, catch you later?" I ask walking backwards to face my big brother and Theo.

"Be good?" Scott asks

"Who me? Always." I say and turn to walk towards the building but stop myself and look at Theo "Oh and Theo? We aren't falling apart" I insist and walk away from them "More like we're plummeting" I whisper to no one as I make my way to the door of the high school.

Walking through the hallways of Beacon Hills I pass many students who either wave, smile or nod to me. Me being the polite and caring person I am, I return each gesture with my own.

Heading to my locker, I smile to the boy beside it at his own. Walking on my toes I make my way to behind him. As I go to wrap my arms around his waist from behind, his voice stops me.

"You do know that I know you are there right?"

"I know but you didn't look at me when I came in, and I want your attention" I pout.

"You always have my attention" He smiles, turning around and takes my raised arms and slides them around his pulling me closer to him, so I have to lean into his chest.

"Hi" I smile up to him.

"Hey" He laughs back and kisses my nose. "So, what are you doing tonight?"

"Actually tonight is what I came to talk to you about. I want to go back to Sinema"

"No" Liam says in a beat

"Why?" I say with a whine and pull away from him. Opening my locker I pull the necessary books and equipment out and close it again before turning back to Liam who has don't the same.

"Because the last time we went there, we were attacked"

"Technically we attacked Lucas who was attacking Brett who was protecting Mason"

"Why do you want to go anyways?" Liam asks and I remember that I never explained about Hayden.

"Remember last week, Tracy had a hold of Hayden and I?" I ask and pause for him to nod "Hayden's arms has healed completely, I don't know if it was right away because I say it two days later but you saw the amount of blood. It couldn't have healed that quickly without a supernatural boost" I explain in a slight whisper.

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