Past, Present And Future~ Ch 7

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(Same POV from the end of last chapter)

Three days past and Sasu was still not home. He sent a letter last night saying that he was okay and explain on what was happening. But the only thing I did was cry. For the past two days I cried. The first day was alright but then it turned out bad. I asked my past self to take care of the children while I am 'working' on some stuff. "Why does everything bad happen to me" "Naruto don't say that." Oh and did I forget Sakura is spending a couple days with me since Sai had to got out for a while to help his children with a mission. "Ya but what if he dies. Also don't forget that 'it's' supposed to happen anytime soon." "I know but we both know what's going to happen. As long as w don't interfere with what the worlds plan is everything will be alright." "Ya I know. It just scares me to know that." "Are you doing what you need to do with the past selves?" "Yes I am doing what must be done. Even telling him what he needs to be told. I believe its in two to three weeks" As we where talking their was a knock on the door" "come in!" "Dada I am scared" "Why?" "Something is happening outside" me and Sakura ran outside and I cried my eyes widen. "No, no, no, no" I kept saying repeatedly "Dad!" I then saw Sadaaki go into the air in one of the air crafts. I cried harder then ever. It was my worst nightmare coming to life. "Sakura go write a letter to Sasuke telling him to come home. You know the rest." "Yes Naruto" she left. I toke Baruto inside. "Where is brother?" I sighed not wonting to answer that "Just go to be and I'll come get you when your father gets here" "O-okay" Baruto then ran to his room.

Baruto's (POV)

Why is dada upset? Where is brother? Who was that guy? I am so scared "Brother I am scared" "Its okay Kitten" I looked up from where I was sitting and saw no one. "W-who's t-there?" "Oh right you can't see me" a chuckle was heard then a little fox with 3 tails was there. "Who? How? What? Huh?" "Oh I am Kitazua my father is Kurama" "I don't get it." "I didn't expect you to. Well since was father was concealed in your father I got concealed in you." "Okay?" "You will get it when your older" I only nod "but may I ask why you are scared?" "My brother is gone and daddy is worried." "Oh. Well my father will help with that" "O-okay. Thank you" "Let me know when--" "Don't leave. I don't want to be alone." "Okay." I walked to my bed only to heard a wosh sound. I turned to see a boy with red eyes, orange mixed with red hair. A back shirt and jeans "oh I forgot to mention my ability is to change my form. My father said it's unusual to have it. Also don't tell ANYONE I exist except your parents. Do you understand me." I nodded and went to lay in my bed. Then a felt the blankets lift up and went back down with extra weight on it. "I will stay here untill you fall asleep" "no. Just stay the night please" a sigh was heard and I smiled lightly closing my eyes trying to think of good thoughts. All I was having for the past three weeks where nightmares. Always crying in my sleep. My daddy always came to check on my but when he left my papa was always their for me. Once I was starting to doze off I felt arms rap around me. I jumped but then relaxed. During the night I was having a peaceful dream well until I woke up with someone shaking me. "Hey kitten wake up" I woke up but then went to rub my eyes and felt wetness and then realized that I was crying. "Are you okay?" "I don't know. I was dreaming of kissing everything. My parents where murdered and my brother killed himself." When that thought came to my head I started to cry again. "It's going to be okay. I promise." Kitazua then hugged me. I smiled lightly. "Will you come to school with me?" "Of course but I can't show myself you understand don't you" I nodded lightly. I then got out of bed to see Kitazua gone. I went to go to my Papa's room only to hear voices "What if something happens to him" "it will be alright" "HOW WILL IT BE ALRIGHT MY SON IS IN DANGER!" "Everything will be fine my love don't worry about it" "HOW CAN I CLAM DOWN! My poor baby" I heard crying and it made me worry. I knocked three times. Only to see my daddy to open the door and papa crying on the bed. I ran to papa giving him a big hug "Daddy why is papa upset." "Something's you don't need to know okay Baruto" "okay..." I said looking down. "Also why are you up anyways son" "Something to tell you. I can't tell anyone but my family that's what he said. "Who?" "Kitazua!" Then a fox with three tails came out of nowhere. "Hi their" "oh so your Kitazua. Kurama told me about you" "Come on Kitazua help me get ready for school." "Son school is not for another 7 hours" "oh" I giggled lightly. "Papa can I go for a walk with Kitazua" "As long as he stays with you" "okay!" I then grabbed ahold of Kitazuas hand and ran outside with him. "Let's go to the park" "okay" I then draged him to the park smiling. "Umm Kitazua why did my brother disappear and what was that machine that took him." "He was looking for me. He thinks since your brother is older that I am in him. That is why you can't tell anyone" "ok--" "BARUTO!" "I got to go" then Kitazua vanished out of sight "ya?" "How you feeling?" My friend Karito said kirito was the son of my parents teacher. His mother died when he was two and Kiritos father married my parents teacher. Kirito is two years older then me. We started to talk and become friends. "Good! What about you?" "Nothing new. So want to go for a walk?" "Sorry but I need to get ready for school sorry" I then ran off to my house happy to go to school. Even though I don't have any friends their.

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