Past, Present, And Future ~ CH 15

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Three days past making it the weekend. A bunch of happy teens, laughing adults, and a giggling child. But one teen just didn't care at all. But suddenly a knock on a door was heard and two adults walked in. "Hey everyone." One said happily. "SADAAKI!" The young boy said laughing in his elder brothers arms. "Good to see you to Memma! Hi Dad, Father." "Hello Sadaaki! Happy for you to join us we where just heading to the feastivly. Also hello Haruki" "Hello Mr. Uchia and Mr. Uzamaki." "Please call me Naruto your marrying my son after all." "Dad!" A blushing man said making everyone laugh. "Bourto take the other teens around alright. I'll drop Memma at a friends for a bit so he can hang with there kids at the festival" Baruto nodded everyone leaveing the house and going in diffrent derections. "So...." "You meet Sadaaki he found you when he was a kid." "oh ya. OMG RAMEN!" Everyone just watched the blonde wiskered teen run into a ramen shop. Everyone fallowing in from behind. Laughing and smiling once they all where done the group headed to the games. Sepreating in groups of two (Kitsu came out ao he and Boruto went together). "Hey Kritio!" Boruto yelled to his friend. "Hey dude!" Kirito. Yelled back joining his blonde friend. "Yo Baruto we going or what?" Kitsu asked "ya,ya im coming! Cya Kirito!" Baruto said waving to his friend. Kirito waving back heading to the girl he was with. "So Kitsu having fun?" "I am bored. I rather be training." "hmm... I know!" Baruto then grabbed his friends hand running to a rollercoaster. "You have to enjoy thia its alot of fun!" Boruto spook up. Kitsu said and nodded not feeling like argueing today. Baruto laughed as the got on but once the rollercoaster started lets say one was screaming and holding on to the other for dear life. If you figured out who each one was you should have Bourto screaming for his life and Kitsu having a death grip on him. Once the ride both teens where just happy to FINNALY be off that. "Sorry about that I thought it would be more fun." "Its cool. How about we go find the others and head to the karaoke place till you get a call by your dad." "okay!" So the two teens set of to find the others. This took about an hour and a half because of house big the place was. "Karaoke Yay!" Sakura said happily same with Karien. While the boys jsut said unless you where Naruto abd Boruto. Everyone kept singing and dancing, and buy everyone I mean Boruto forcing Kitsu to dance with him. Sakura and Karien both arguing about whos turn it is to sing and Naruto trying to get the others to dance. Yup! Everyone was just having a blast.

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