(CHRISTMAS ONE SHOT) Past, Present, And Future

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First I wantbto say is thank you all for well reading this and well its christmas. I know its not fully attached to the story but here is just a one short of christmas with all the characters so enjoy! Also lets see if you can figure out clues that will be in the futre chapters.


Third Person (POV)

One day Naruto and everyone including there future selves where throwing a small party. Well more like older Naruto telling Sasuke not to get drunk, not to yell randomly, and not to strat a fight mostly because he doesnt want to deal with 6 kids if Sasuke chose to act like one. But Naruto still loves Sasuke, and Sasuke doesn't want to make Naruto upset so thats where we are now. "Sasuke you had enough ok." "But Naru...." Sasuke whined while having a sip of his beer. Naruto having a sip of his wine. "Sasu you are drunk and you said you wouldn't become drunk." "I am fly drink Nasy" Naruto sighed at his husband then looking at his children and his past self who were all dancing. Looking at Sasukes younger self who was just at a wall standing and watching. 'Something is up with him but what?' Naruto thought to himself. "Sasuke my name is not Nasy its Naruto." Sasuke just smricked grabbing Narutos hand and pulling him to the dance floor. "Well your stressed alot so enjoy yourself." Naruto sighed and giggled. "And here I thought I was childish." "And you still are" Sasuke told his husband like he wasn't even drunk. An hour past The younger Sasuke still hasn't moved but when Naruto sees this he wants to fix it. "Teme!" Naruto yelled to sasuke "What dobe!" "I was wondering if you wanted to dance because well its not fun to be alone. Also older Saskura told me to ask you for some reason." "Whatever who cares this is tiring." Sasuke told Naruto with a bored expression. "Okay everyone can you all look at me for a sec!" Older Kiba said. We all looked up "Okay so we have gifts here for secret Santa. So if we call your name please come up to get your gift. After we will open them and see who got who." Everyone nodded waiting for there names to be called. "I hope I got Sasuke!" Sakura said to herself. Even though sasuke wants to destory the leaf village Sakura still loves him. "I hope I got Naruto! Or Sasuke! Maybe even Sakura!" A bunch of older girls where saying and giggling. "Everyone wants to be one team 7 on. Four of the best ninjas or on that team!" "Ya I know right" They all kept talking eventually all names where called and presents where opening. A few minutes after this random missiletose came out of no where on certin people. Forcuing them to kiss or spill a secret id they wouldn't kiss. Alot of people took the easy way, expect three some random girl, Naruto older, and Sasuke older. This was because they all where under a mistletoe together. The actual couple felt really uncomfortable about it. Lets just say alit of congratulations where said after that.

Pass, Present And Future! (Sasuke X Naruto)Where stories live. Discover now