Past, Present, And Future ~ CH 17

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Sakura-Teen (POV)

"When are we going home? I miss my parents..." "I miss my students..." "I wonder what Baa-Chan is doing?" "This is boring" "Agree" We where all talking about how are time is doing. Some felt sad others just really didn't care. I missed my parents but I never wanted to tell the a hokaga to hurry thats just rude even if its an idiot. "Hey Sakura do you think will ever go home?" "We have to or else this future might have a terrible effect on it." I told the idiot. "No fighting ok do that when we get back." We looked at Iruka and nodded sighing at the same time. After that we heard a knock on the guess room door. Yes we where all having a meeting in the hokagas guess room it was Kakashi senseis idea. "No need to knock." I said outloud and then two people came in the room. Older Naruto and Older Sasuke "Hello I see your having some problems." Older Naruto said I just nodded. "I'm really sorry I can't get you home fast enough." "It's okay no one is in a rush." I told him he just smiled "Ummm... Is there a reason why you and older Sasuke~kun is in the room?" I asked "Well yes." He said taking a seat Sasuke stranding right behind him. "I have good news and bad news." "Whats the good?" I heard Iruka sensei ask. "Good is well we have everything here and ready to get you all home. Bad news is that it doesn't work in summer only in cold weather." We all looked down. "Well I do have two options wait here for another three months or we can go to the land of snow. It will take about a month to get ready three tho." "Can you give us time to think?" The older Naruto nodded leaving the room with Sasuke. After that we all look at the younger Sasuke. "Why don't you ever leave his side?" "Leave me alone!" "How am I supposed to know you idoits!" we all sighed. "I think its best to wait." We all looked at Kakashi who didn't really say anything with corous looks "This is because it will be cooler here and the hokaga will be close by. It also helps on everyone relaxing. If we go we will have to watch out for crooks and bandits." We all nodded "Thats true..." I said quitly after about five minutes older sasuke came back in the room. "Have you made a discussion?" "Yes. We chose to wait." "Alright I'll tell Naruto when he gets back. He's right know out hanging with Memma at the park." We all nodded. But once Sasuke is about to leave Idiot asks "Who is more of ummmmmm... You know...." Sasuke smirked and simply replied "Why you of course." and left the room. Rigth after older Sasuke left we all did the same because if we stayed a second longer we all might have died or lost hearing.

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