Past, Present, And Future ~ CH 19

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No One's (POV)

The day after the crazy event Naruto found out by Memma and well youger Sakura, Youger Naruto, Boruto, And older Sasuke all were all grounded. Naruto became scared of himself and felt sorry for the others. "Why did you say you'll watch him!" younger Naruto said "Because I thought it'll help!" "I should have brought him to Naru." The four of them winned just then the door opened. "So you three kids go meet Lee~Sensei at the training grounds." "But dad Lee~Sensei will toucher us!" "I know. I told him to give you three the hardest training ever. For about seven hours." "Dad!" "No arguing noe go! the teens just nodded and left. "And Sasu no sex for the rest of the year ok." "Naru!" "Well you should have known about his behaver when no adult is around!" Naruto said to his husband. Sasuke only nodded "Oh and here is a list of things we need. I have to take Memma to a friends and help Your past self with something. Same with the others." Naruto told him while giving him the list leaveing the room. "Well probably should head out know before Naru gets mad." Sasuke told himself leaving the house.

Borutos (POV)

Me, and Sakura and my younger dad all started walking to the traing grounds. "If he's anything like how yiu described then we will have another Guy sensei." Sakura and my younger bad shivered. I just gave them a consufed look but went a long. When we got there we meet Lee~Sensei and let me tell you even I didn't have as much energy as he did. "Alright you teens of youthful spirts lets get to youthful traing." We all sighed and followed him and started the traing. Five minutes in and we where all tired. "I bet my father is having more fun then we are." I told the others they nodded "Time to get back to traing youth is very youthful!" And we sighed once again.

Older Sasukes (POV)

"Where is the school suplises?" I asked myself walking around the store. 'Naruto is way better at finding school suplises why did he make me shop for all this stuff.' I thought a bit annoyed. "Mr. Uchia!" I heard a voice say and a girl came up to me. I sighed why did some of my fangirls stay.  "Hello" I sighed simple the woman giggled "I was wondeing if you wanted to go on a date with me?" "no." I told her coldly. "But I'm sure your lover won't mind." She said pointing at my ring I was ticked at this point. "Well then I will just tell the hokaga what you are doing." I told her with a smrik. "Why? What will the hokaga do?" She asked I only told her "Oh I don't know. Only that I am married to him." She just had a shocked face and ran away. 'Finnaly' I thought as I went back to the shopping. "I hope Boruto and the past sleves are having a better day then me." I mumbled to myself walking. "Can't wait for the day to end" I sighed.

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