Let's Destroy Some Ooze!

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Third person's POV

-On the planet Zontreck-

"You placed a chip in her brain, and you never bothered to tell me?" Zurton was furious with Xavier the king of Caldera.

"It was never activated. She was only a baby, when I placed in her brain." Xavier defended, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Well, we need to locate her, can you find her?!" Zurton asked, gesturing to the GPS locator.

Xavier sighed, walking up to it, with Zurton slithering behind him slowly.

"Only if she's used her powers, then I can activate it."  He leaned on it, looking at the snake creature.

Zurton widen his eyes, getting impatient. "Well? Are you gonna stand their like a freak, or track her?!"

Xavier jumped, startled, and looked at the locator. "Right, on it, sir."

"The chip can only track the areas she's used her powers, and the last known location was..." Xavier was typing on the locator, and Zurton was looking over his shoulder, interested.

The two aliens were confused at the location, "At the bottom of the ocean on Planet Earth? That's strange, why was she there?"

Zurton smirked, "Doesn't matter, all I know is that she is on Planet Earth."


Veronica's POV

After school today, the guys and I, minus Mark, who was at football practice, searched around the school for the ooze pocket that was under the school. Ryan told me that it's somewhere under the school.

Harris was at the skate park which is right next to the school, Spyder was on the football field, and Ryan and I were walking around the campus, scanning for ooze, and we found some, but we haven't reached the edge of it. This is a lot of ooze.

We were in contact with the others.

"We're scanning for ooze, and operation Tiger Shark is in progress. We're done with the north campus, but we still haven't reached the perimeter's of the schools ooze pocket." Ryan informed the others, with his hand laced with mine.

"Keep measuring and move to the science building. I'll do the same." Harris instructed, "Why Tiger Shark, and why are you lying on the ground?" Harris was now talking to Spyder.

"Because Tiger's are cool, and sharks are cool, and I got bored scanning and took a nap." Spyder informed us, and I rolled my eyes. "And why are we measuring the ooze, can't we just zap it or something."

"But that would cave in the school." I countered, making a face.

"Wait, so you're saying, it's a win win." Spyder questioned, and I shook my head, annoyed.

"We need accurate measurements, because so far, it looks like the worse case scenario." Harris explained, "There's so much ooze, even if we poured all our weapons into it, it wouldn't be enough to get it out."

"So, it's like when I take a wiz in the school pool, and not do any real damage." Spyder commented, and I grimaced.

"Gross." I shrugged, "But accurate."

"You know, I'm the reason they use twice as much chlorine now." Spyder mentioned.

"Again, gross." I sighed.

"We can neutralize the antidote, we used to cure me, when I was ooze infected. I just need to know how much to produce." Harris apprised us.

I stopped listening to their conversation, because I got bored.

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