Forever with you (All Time Low)

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Hey guys so I'm writing this about Jack and Alex from all time low falling in love with two girls. Each person will have their own chapter and in their point of view. I hope you guys enjoy! I simply made up the characters Alisha, Ivy, and Skylar. -Chap-

Alex P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of someone shaking me and yelling. I open my eyes to find Rian in my face and slapping me telling me to get up. "Alex, get up! We have to practice!" I moan and roll over. Then I hear Jack scream in my ear, "ALEX WAKE UP!" I get up and push them all out of my way. It's been hard since my break up with Alisha. But I'm trying to get over it.

I get a pop tart out and eat it. "Dude, why are you eating a pop tart?" Jack asked. I shrug. "Are you still depressed?" I shrug again and look down while munching on my pop tart. " I'm not really hungry." I lie. He just shrugs and walks away.

-a few hours later-

"You know what?!" Jack says to me while we are walking back to the bus. "What?" I ask. "I'm gonna find you a rebound." He says proudly. I just shake my head. "No, jack just leave it alone. I'll be fine." "No! No! No! Dammit! I'm gonna find the perfect girl. I promise." I don't like the idea of Jack finding me a girl. I just don't like that idea at all.

Jacks P.O.V

I'm gonna find him a girlfriend if that's e last thing I ever do! I hate to see my best friend in pain. It sucks because he hasn't been himself in forever. I miss my old friend Alex, the fun and loud one. We all sit down for a while and write a bit and then we start doing my favorite thing. Drinking. The only thing I hate about drinking is that, I can't control myself at all. I just make a fool of myself and make really bad choices, but oh well.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEEEEEEN?" Rian screams the Rihanna song loud and clear. Obviously he's hammered. Wait, where's Alex? I look around and don't see him anywhere. I look in his bunk and there he is. Laying there his back turned toward me. "Alex?" I say. He turns to me with red cheeks and tears streaming down his face. I don't know what to do for him in this moment. I have never seen him cry like this over a girl. Well a girl has never cheated on him and broke his heart before now. I really need to make that bitch pay for what she did to my best friend.

-sorry this was so short-

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