The truth behind the smile

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-Hey I am going to be using a lot of flashbacks in this chapter and it will be a bit long. This chapter will mostly be in Skylar and Ivy's point of view then I will jump back to Jack and Alex :)  I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the story and the you all ^_^ - Chap

Skylars P.O.V


 "Yes, Ken I will marry you." I made my barbies talk outloud. Then my uncle came through the door with a can of beer. He bent down next to me with a smile. "Hey, Sky." He said putting his hands on my thigh. Uncle Kenny was a lot different than my other uncles. He liked to play the kissing game. I never played that with anybody else. I don't like it. He tells me not to tell anyone about it. He gets up and shuts my door and locks it. 

~End of Flashback~ 

Skylars P.O.V

I roll around a few mintues in my bed before I get up. Then I hear the sound of yelling coming from next door in Ivy's room. I jump up and put my robe on and run into her room. She threw her phone and tears were in her eyes. "What happened?" She got up and went to the bathroom. Before I could grab her she had already shut and locked the door. "Ivy! Open the door! I know what you're doing in there!" I hurried and found something that would unlock the door. I opened the door and there she was on the toliet with her razor blade...again. She was bleeding pretty bad. I grabbed the blade and threw it away. I pulled her into my arms and held her there while she was crying. We sat on the floor and cried for a while. Then she stopped crying and wiped away her tears. "He was cheating on me the whole entire time. I called him and a girl answered. I asked who it was and she said that she was his fiance!" She was yelling by the end. That mofo better watch himself. I pull her up with me and take her down stairs to the couch. I grabbed the remote and popped in one of her favorite TV shows Supernatural. I threw her blanket at her and went to get my phone. "Yes, hey Roger. No this time he was caught cheating on her...yeah...the usual with extra sauce on the chicken. Thanks." I said to one of our best friends Roger, he works at a chinese resturant down the street from us. I go back into the living room. "SAMMY, STOP BEING SO HOT WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE A SOUL!" She yelled at the TV. "How about we go out tonight?" I asked her. She shrugs and then, "I guess. I mean I kinda figured we would break up soon, but ya know. Where would we go?" She asks while rubbing her eyes. " I was thinking somewhere...far away. And kind of early, cause thats before the manwhores are out." I say. "How do you know all of this?" She asks laughing. I shrug and then the door bell rings. I stand up and Roger just opens the door and comes in with two dozen of Roses. One dozen was blue and the other was yellow. He went striaght to the kitchen. We both got up and followed into the kitchen. He set out all of the food and then he handed me the blue flowers and IVy the yellow ones. Those are our favorite colors. I saw Ivy smile and smell them. "Thank you Roger." She said with a smile. We both held our arms out and he came in with a huge hug and grin. 

Ivy's P.O.V


I turned on Temporary Home by Carrie Underwood. I'm supposed to be cleaning my room but I'm just scrolling through my music. The phone is ringing and I hear my mom answer it. Then I hear Screaming. I run into the kitchen to find my mom slowly falling to the ground crying holding the phone in one hand. My dad rushed over to keep her up. "Mom is dead." She said. I don't know what to do. I feel a tear escape from my eye. Just a few minutes ago my life was completely fine. I was listening to Temporary Home. 

We hurried and jumped in the car. We went to my brothers work to pick him up. He got into the car and I could see the tears rolling down his face. I put my ipod in, and was thinking everything will be okay. She will be fine. She proably will be sitting up in her hospital bed saying, "Sorry I scared you guys.. Love you." We finally arrived at the hospital and I ran inside, We went to the desk and asked for my grandmother. They took us to a back room. I wonder why they did this? Then I see my cousins boyfriend with his little girl. He looks up with tears rolling down his cheeks. "Is she okay?" My mom asked. "You haven't heard?" He said. "She didn't make it." He said holding back sobs. Everything in my entire body went numb. I fell to the floor holding my stomach. My brother helped me up and we went to the room where she was. There she lay. Lifeless. I run over to her. I start shaking her. "WAKE UP GRANDMA. WAKE UP!" I Scream. But she doesnt move. I look into the hallway because I hear someone come in. I see a nurse with tears rolling down her cheeks. 

-end of flshback-

-BTW the Skylar flashback was just made up. But the Ivy story is true. That happened to me. Everything. okay lets continue- 

Ivys P.O.V

I pick up my phone its only like 9:00 am. I think I might call Jason. Where is my phone? Awe Poop. I get up and search around the room. There it is....under my bra.. hehe oops. I quickly dial his number and wait for him to answer. I always call him in the morning to say good morning and that I love him. He doesn't do the same for me but thats okay. I still love him. We have been together for about 2 years and 5 months. "Hello?" A girl answers the phone. I quickly look at the number again. It's his number. "Uhmm...Who is this?" It could be his sister. She might have a cold and sound different. I hope. "This is Jessica, Jasons Fiance..." She says with an attitude. "WELL THIS IS HIS GIRLFRIEND OF 2 YEARS BITCH. WHERE IS HE? LET ME TALK TO HIM" I yell into the phone. I hear a scream for his name and then, "Hear, Jason ITS YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" She screamed and I heard a door slam. I smiled to myself knowing that relationship is know over. "Ivy. Baby im so-" I cut him off, "NO DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME BABY, YOU LITTLE BITCH. I AM A PERSON THAT HAS FEELINGS. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP YOU DON'T CHEAT YOU BREAK UP WITH THAT PERSON AND GO ON. NOT BREAK THEM AND HUMILIATE THEM." I scream into the phone. Tears are rolling down my cheeks. I hung up as Sky came in to see what was wrong. I threw the phone. "What happened?" She says looking worried. I just get up and run to the bathroom, because I know she will try to catch me and stop me from what im about to do. I hurry and lock it and get my razor. The blade is cold and it gives me chills. One cut. Two cut. Three cut. Four cut. She unlocks the door and threw my blade away. She held me tight and we cried together. It seemed like it was almost three hours. After a while I told her what had happened and then we went down stairs to watch Supernatural. 

-A few hours later in the club- 

Skylars P.O.V 

"Two beers please." I say to the big bald headed man. Looking over at Ivy she was playing with her bracelets again. I know she regretted what happened. I put my hand on her hand and looked her in the eyes. "Ivy, don't. We all make mistakes but I know this one is hard to get over, but you really need to forget about it. Promise me you won't cut again?" I said while holding my little pinky out. That was our thing. Pinky Promises. I know it sounds very childish but that what we do. Eventhough sometimes we don't always keep them, we at least try our best too. She smiled and reached for my pinky with hers. "Promise."  The man came over with our beers and we started a conversation about Supernatural. 

After a while I noticed that we were almost out of beer. Then out of nowhere the man comes over again with two beers. "Those two men over there told me to give these to you." he said handing us our drinks. I smiled and looked over to find Jack Barakat and Alex Gaskarth smiling back. Oh my God. Alex Gaskarth. I have been in love with him for a very long time. Holy shit. What is happening. "Oh my God. Ivy. Don't flip but Jack Barakat and Alex Gaskarth just bought us our drinks." I said calmly. She looked up with a huge smile. Oh shit they're coming over here. shit. shit. shit. shit. 

-A few minutes later- 

"I can't believe that I forgot I have work today." Ivy said as we were walking out of the bar. "Hey, that's okay. They have our numbers and you were very smooth and sassy back there." I say nudging her. She shrugged and smiled. I'm glad to see her smile. She deserves this. She deserves to be happy. She has been my best friend since the 8th grade. I hate what that douche bag did but I know Jack will call her because she is beautiful and amazing. 


-Guys I know this sucked so bad lol. But I wanted you guys to meet them personally. Hope you guys like the rest and I promise I will start writing wayyyyyy better. Love you alllllll- Chap 

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