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-hey guys sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been so busy. I'm sorry. So I will try to make this chapter better! lol. Love you guys^_^-chap-

Skylars P.O.V

I miss him so much it hurts. I feel like I can't function without him. I just feel so alone without him. I roll over to grab my phone and call him. I wait for him to answer. "Hey beautiful." I hear the beautiful voice of Alex. "Hey." I reply smiling. "How goes it?" he says. "Crappy! I miss you. I can't believe I haven't physically seen your face in 3 months! I miss you." I say almost crying. He laughs a little. "I know! I miss your face..." he pauses, "and body." he continues. I laugh and blush. "Oh Alex!" I say laughing again. "You know tomorrow is Jacks birthday!" he almost screams over the phone. "Yes, Ivy has been flipping out because she can't see him on his birthday." Jacks birthday? Tomorrow...I think I might have a plan. I hang up the phone with Alex and get up to talk to Ivy. I walk int her room and she is reading her favorite book as usual. " I think we should go visit our men for Jack's birthday." I smile. She stands up and jumps up and down and screams, "OMG YES!" She starts dancing and gently lays her book down and continues dancing. "But! we can't tell them because its a surprise!"I say sternly. Ivy sucks at keeping secrets. "So you cannont talk to Jack until tomorrow." I say clearly upsetting her. "It's a good thing I've talked to him 3 times today." She says with a cheeky smile. Oh my god 3 times? She is a little psycho. Thats just how she is. When she likes someone she falls.....HARD.

Ivy's P.O.V

I CAN'T BELIEVE I WILL BE SEEING JACK TOMORROW. I can't stop smiling. I can't tell him either. thats gonna be tuff. I can do it. I lay down down because I need my sleep so I can get ready for tomorrow, but I can't sleep. I'm too excited. I read my book, the maze runner, until my eyes slowly close.  

Alex's P.O.V

What am I supposed to get Jack for his birthday? Like am I supposed to go all the way home and pick up Ivy? I can't do that and I know thats all he wants. I have  a new guitar for him. But I'm not sure when to actually give it to him. I get up and walk to my bunk to get his guitar. I find Jack laying down strumming it and smiling. "Jack!" I yell. He smiles and I hit him in the arm. "Dude! I was gonna give you this later today!" I say laughing. He shruggs. "I love it Alex!" He says witha huge smile.


We just got on stage in Texas. "HEY TEXAS HOW YA DOIN TODAY?!" I scream and they scream in reply. I look out to the crowd and I see the beautiful Sky and Ivy stadning there smiling and waving. "Holy Shit Jack look over there!" I point at them. Jack smiles and jumps off of the stage and grabs them and pulls them on stage. "This is lady friend." He says into the mic. Everyone cheers. "This is Skylar...and shes my lady friend." I say and everybody cheers. Jack takes Ivys hand and loks at her and smiles. "I have something very serious to ask you Ivy."He pauses and I can tell by the look on her face she is so nervous and blushing. She smiles and looks straight into his eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks. She smiles and yells Yes! She grabs his face and crashig her lips to his. Everyrybody cheers and yells.


Jack's P.O.V 

I can't believe right now I am holding my beautiful Ivy in my arms. After this amazing day. I don't know if anything can ruin how perfect and amazing tonight has went. Her red hair is all over my chest as her eyes are closed and iI'm holding her tight. I watch her take her breaths one at a time. Alex and Sky are sleeping in his bunk right now, everybody is asleep except for me. I watch her breathe. I like to hold her and watch her sleep. She is so beautiful when she sleeps. I never thought that I would get this lucky to have someone like this. Ever. I watch her sleep until I cannont keep my eyes open any longer. 


-Hey guys sorry it took me soo long to update. its ridiculous. but at least I did it now right? lol. so i hope you enjoed it love you all- chap- 

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