The truth

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-HEYYYYY GUYSSSSSS!!!! So today is Friday and I will be writing a lot in this chapter and I will try to write better.. I have all night to do this chapter :) MUHAHAHAAHAHA!! But I know the story itself is kinda boring right now but I promise it will be better. So you ^_^-Chap-

Ivy's P.O.V

We are in the car right now rocking out to Blink 1-82 (of course! lol) "Do you want to listen to something different?" Jack asks. I shake my head no and smile. "No, I like Blink!" I say. "Me too! They're my favorite band!" He says getting excited. The song goes off then Demi Lovato comes on. I look at him shocked. "It's a mixed tape I made. Don't judge me." He says reaching for the skip button. "NO!" I yell out. He stops and looks at me. I blush, "She's my idol..I love her." I say shyly. He just smiles and then rolls all the windows down. "OUR LOVE RUNS DEEP LIKE A CHEVY, IF YOU FALL I'LL FALL WITH YOU BABY CAUSE THATS THE WAY WE LIKE TO DO IT THATS THE WAY WE LIKE!" He screams at the top of his lungs with Demi. I can't help but laugh. I join in with him. "YOU RUN AROUND OPEN DOORS LIKE A GENTLEMEN, TELL ME GIRL EVERDAY YOURE MY EVERYTHING CAUSE THATS THE WAY WE LIKE TO DO IT THATS THE WAY WE LIKE!" We both stop and look at eachother. We both laugh really loud. "You're a good singer!" He says making me blush. "No, not really." He gives me this look like girl are you crazy? I giggle and look forward. "I love you're laugh and giggle" He says. I blush again. DAMMIT! Why does he do this to me? 


Alex's P.O.V

My lips are on hers. Her lips are so soft and sweet. I wrap my arms around her waist. She outs her arms in my hair. My god this woman is beautfiul. We both pull away at the same time. My head is so foggy after that kiss. She looks up at me with her beautiful brown eyes. "God, you're beautiful." I say. She blushes and smiles. "Thank you, but you're just as beautiful even more than I." She says. Damn she is just to sweet and perfect. "Can we talk?" I ask her walking toward the couch. I sit down and pat the seat next to me. She sits down slowly and looking scared and confused. "okay, so honestly I just got out of a relationship." I say. She looks down and automatically tears in her eyes. "Am I a rebound? Because nobody does that to me, because I end up falling in love." She says looking up. "No no no! I wasn't meaning it that way. I was just saying it's gonna be a while for me to let you in completely and have you as my girlfriend." I say patting her back. She looks up and smiles. "Girlfriend?" I wipe her tears away and caress her cheek. "Yeah, if that's okay with you?" I say. She nods and kisses me on the cheek. "So what happened to you and your ex? If you don't mind me asking." She says looking deep into my eyes. Shit it feels like she can see my fucking soul right now. I take a deep breath and lean forward. "Well, I was out one day, it was our 2 year anniversary, and I bought her flowers and chocolate, and I was gonna take her on a hot air balloon ride. I came home and saw that there were clothes throughout the house. I thought she was trying to tell me something, but no. I walked up the stairs and heard moaning and I walked in and found her in bed with one of her friends boyfriends." I say trying to hole back the tears. She leans toward me and pulls me into her arms. "It's okay if you want to cry. I'll be here." She says rubbing my hair. This girl is perfect. "We just broke up like a month ago." I say.  She looks at me with sad eyes. "I'm so sorry Alex. I really am." I shrug. "It's okay. She was a skank." I say. She looks at me for a minute and then, "I need to tell you something.." She says after a minute. I nod my head signaling  for her to continue. "Ivy, just got out of a relationship too. And she has had terrible trouble with self harm for a while." She pauses. "And I have too. I understand completely if you wanna leave now." She says standing up. I just laugh a little and stand up next to her. I wrap my arms around her waist. "You know, I kinda help people with that problem all the time." I say. She smiles and wraps her arms around me. "I have to tell you something. I am a huge fan of you and you saved me." She says blushing. I pull her arm up and pull her bracelets back. There they are. The tiny little gashes in her skin. It looks like there is about 20 or more. I held her arm in my hand and leaned down and kissed her scars. I look up to find her with tears in her eyes. "Thank you." She whispered. 


Jack's P.O.V

We finally arrived at mcdonalds. I look over and shes playing with her bracelets. "Okay, ready to go in and eat?" I say poking her side. She nods and wipes away a tear. What the fuck did I do? Shit! I just ruined it the date. "What's wrong Ivy?" I asked her. She shrugs and looks up. "I'm sorry, it's just I see my ex boyfriend and his new girlfriend in there." She says. I look at her pull her close and just hold her while she cries. She leans up to look at me in the face. She starts to smile. "Come on!" I say getting out of the car. I walk over to her side of the car and open the door for her. "Jack." I put my hand up to stop her. "Follow my lead." We go into mcdonalds and we order our food. "Hey Ivy. How are you? I see you have moved on." the ugly ass man said. I turn around and laugh in his face. "What the fuck are you laughing at?" He asks me. I laugh again. " I believe I'm laughing at an ugly piece of shit, that hurt this beautiful young lady for that Whor-" I just realize that the girl he is with is Alex's ex girlfriend. She was trying to hide her face. "Alisha?" she looks up and smiles. "How the fuck do you know this douche?" He asks her while standing up. Wait what? He just called me a douche...uhmmm no bitch no. "what did you just say?" I ask him. "I said you are a douche!" I stand tall and walk up to Ivy and grab her face. I wink at her really quick and she does the same. I grab her face and kiss her hard. She grabs my face and sticks her tongue in my mouth. I pull away and look at the guy. "That girl right there," I point at Ivy. "She is one of the best things to ever happen to you and you just let her go. She is the most beautiful woman in the world and you chose this ugly bitch. Trust me buddy she just broke up with my best friend like a month ago. They have been dating for 2 very long years." I say honestly feeling really good about myself. He looks at Alisha and then at me. "seriously? We are enaged...for about 3 months we've been together for 1 year." WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!?!  "Yeah man, shes no good. She's a bitch too." I say shrugging. He just walks out of mcdonalds. Alisha gets up and has tears in her eyes. "Oh, bye ugly bitch!" Ivy says. I look at her shocked. This woman is the love of my life. I can see it now. 


Skylar's P,O,V

I can't believe I told him everything. I can't believe he doesn't think i'm a freak. "Hey, so I think you're the most beautiful girl I have ever met." Alex says smiling and he holds me a little tighter. I smile and sqeeze him. "wow, there cutie. sqeezing me isn't the best idea." he says giving a wink. "EWWWWWWWWWWW ALEX!!!" I say pushing him away. "Im just kidding." He says laughing. He looks at me for a minute and leans in and kisses me. He tangles his hands in my hair and my hands are on his face. "oh." I hear Ivy say. Alex pulls away and we look up to find Ivy and Jack holding hands. "Oh hi." I stand up and say. "I was thinking, maybe they should stay the night cause, its already really late and I want them to be safe." Ivy says looking down at the ground. Alex and Jack look at each other and then smile. "Sure." they both say at the same time. We all know this will be an eventful night. 


-SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I hope you guys liked it. Love you guys and I will update again tomorrow. love you all ^_^-Chap-

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