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Skylar's P.O.V

Please God, Please, I will do anything for Ivy to be okay. Please. I pace back and forth in the waiting room. I need to have an update on Ivy or I will kill someone. I walk up to the lady at the desk. "Please, can you at least tell me what they are doing to her?" I ask with tears rolling down. She sighs, "Honey, I know that you are scared and that you love her, but right now she is in emergency surgery." She says. I sigh and scream in my hands. I look up at her, "Thank you." I walk back and sit next to Alex. "What if she dies?" I say. "Don't say that." Alex says rubbing my arm. I turn to Jack, "So, how do you fucking feel now? Asshole." I say and walk into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. My eyes are puffy and red. I splash some water on my face and try to breath. I walk out of the bathroom and sit next to Alex. "Where did the douche go?" I ask. He gives me a look, "Listen Sky, He is best friend ya know. He feels like shit for what he said and you're just making it worse for everybody." What the fuck? "You can just leave. Tell Jack that I am sorry and I will keep him updated!" I say almost screaming. I honestly don't need this right now. He hurt her. It's his fucking fault. Alex looks at me and stands up. "Wait. No Fuck that! I love you Sky. I'm not leaving, but Jack is my best friend and I know he screwed up and hell, he knows he fucked up. Just let him be. He's coming back in a minute. But I swear to you I am not leaving. I don't give a fuck if you hate me or love me right now." I calm down a little bit. We sit in silence for a minute. "Alex, I'm sorry." I say. He smiles and kisses my forehead. "You're fine, you're just upset." He holds me in his arms and a few minutes later Jack comes back. He looks at me and his face is all red and his eyes are swollen and tears are streaming down his face. He doesn't say anything and sits down. I stand up and sit next to him. "Jack." I say looking at him. He looks up and tears are just flowing down. I can tell he can't talk. "I am so sorry. I'm just upset..." I said. He nods and pulls me in for a hug. Surprised by this but I hug back. Then that's when he breaks down completely. I just hold him close and cry with him. Alex joins and holds Jack for a while. 


We've been sitting here for almost three hours! Jack is sitting there staring into space. He hasn't said one word to us. He can't. I feel like shit cause I took my craziness on him. He looks like shit. Alex is sleeping on my shoulder right now. He actually shed a few tears for Ivy too. "Sky? Alex? Jack?" I hear. I look around to find PTV and the rest of ATL running in the hospital. "Is Ivy okay?" Rian asks. I shrug. "She's been in surgery for about three hours now." I say but a few tears escape. Before I know it Zack has me in a full bear hug and Rian has Jack. I lean out of the hug and look around. "Hold the fuck up." I say putting my hands up. They all look at me confused. Alex looks worried. "Pierce the fucking veil is here....what." I said. They all laugh except for Jack. I stand up and ask for an autograph and hug them all. After all of that we all sit and wait. 


It's been another hour. I can't take this shit. Jack still hasn't said anything all he does is sit there and cry. Sometimes he gets up to go to the bathroom just to cry louder, but we can still hear him. "Family of Ivy Mae Southworth?" The doctor says. We all stand up. He walks over to us and sighs. "Okay, so her leg, foot, arm, and wrist are broken. She is badly bruised. She also busted her head open when she hit the concreate." He says. "What about the baby?" Jack says. The doctor doesn't look at him. "I'm sorry son, but by the looks of it, I'm not sure if her or the baby will make it." 


Hey Guys! I hope you liked this chapter. I feel like John Green! hahaha. Love you guys

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