Cuddles and innocence

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-Sorry I didn't post yesterday. lol. So I hope this chapter will make you happy. There will be bunches and bunches of fluff. SMUT WARNING.....JK I find that very awkward to But I hope you guys like it love you guys ^_^- Chap-

Jack's P.O.V

wow, when Ivy asked me to spend the night..I was surprised. For one I'm not having sex with her eventhough I want to like REALLY REALLY BAD but I respect her. I know she respects herself too, so I will wait. Plus she just got out of a relationship. I will cuddle with her and watch whatever she wants. I really want to get to know her a lot more. She seems really cool, but also broken and bruised. I wanna know if I can at least try to help her with her cutting. We walk up stairs to her bedroom. She turns to me, "Jack, honestly I don't wanna have sex with you....yet." she says looking down at her wrist. I just smile and walk toward her. "I wasn't planning on it sweetheart." I say putting my finger under her chin lifting it up. She looks deep into my eyes not looking away. "Jack, we need to talk.. I know you've noticed my scars." She takes a deep breath. She sits down on her bed looking down trying not to cry. I sit down next to her and wrap my arms around her. I rubbed her head and kissed her cheek. "It's alright, just go your speed and I'll just sit here and listen. I can hold you in my arms if you want." I say leaning back on her bed laying down. She crawls into my arms and I just hold her tight for a while waiting for her to start. "Well, I have had this problem for a very long time. The first time I did it was when I was about 13. My grandma passed away and I didn't want to be here anymore. Then I started high school, lost one of my best friends, well she just stopped being my friend cause I wasn't cool enough for her I guess. Then I started to get bullied a lot. I just started cutting deeper each time. One day I planned my suicide. It was my sophmore year of high school. I was gonna go to school then come home and slit my throat. Yes I know it seems kinda bizarre but I thought I deserved to feel pain when I died. But I went to school and the day was almost over, then I got called to the office. Someone told the teacher about me cutting. I guess they saw the scars. Then they called my parents and told them." She stops for a minute and sobs a little in my chest. "I called my mom to come pick me up and she cried all the way home. When I dad got home I couldn't face him so I acted like I was asleep. I had never heard him cry before that day." She stops and loses all control. I lean up with her in my arms rocking her back and forth. I just hold her there until she stops. I soon lean back with her calming down and we just lay there. 


I look down and see her eyes are closed. I lift her up and lay her down on her bed and cover her up. I go into the bathroom and take a shower. I get out, and get into my clothes and get in the bed with her. I get under the blankets and cuddle with her all night, just like I wanted to. 

Alex's P.O.V

I love kissing Sky, she's so beautiful. I love the feel of her lips on mine. They are so soft and gentle. I lean in closer to her and kiss her harder. She pulls away, looks at me and smiles. "I like you." she says. "I like you too, beautiful." I say honestly. She smiles and cuddles with me on the couch. "So, you wanna go to my room?" She asks in a small voice. I stand up and pull her up with me. "Sure do!"  We walk upstairs and to her room. Her room is right next to Ivy's. I really hope her and Jack are not having sex. ew. 

She goes into the bathroom to take a shower as I lay on her bed scrolling through my twitter feed. I think she is trying to hurry so we can cuddle. I sit up because I hear her get out of the shower and blow dry her hair. She comes out in a big t- shirt and short shorts. She smiles and comes over to me and hugs me. "Now I don't wanna have sex with you right now. I barely know you." She says blushing. I hold my hands up in defense, "Hey I didn't ask. I don't want to either. I'm still kinda broken, but I'm slowly coming back together because of you." I say kissing the tip of her nose. She smiles and lays down. "Can you get the lights?" she asks. I lean over and turn them off. She turns on the TV and puts it on mute. I smile as she cuddles up to me and I hold her tight in my arms. She leans up and kisses me hard. I watch the TV until my eyes slowly shut. 


-I hope this is okay....I tried to make it more fluff and kinda sad....but Ivy the same as mine really...that happened to me lol...yeah...but love you guys so much ^_^-Chap-

Forever with you (All Time Low)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें