Meeting the guys

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- Heyyy guys I hope you all are enjoying this. I just wanna thank you guys for reading this and liking it. Love you guys.^_^-Chap-

Jack's P.O.V

After staying at the girls house all weekend we finally decided to go home, well to our tour bus. We had the weekend off from tour and decided what the hell lets stay with them. The weekend went by way too fast. But we have one more day and we want the girls to meet Rian and Zack. I'm not nervous at all. I am really kinda calm, cool, and collected. I hear Ivy going through outfits. Over and over again. "Ivy! Why are you trying so hard to find the perfect outfit?" I ask smiling and leaning against her bedroom door frame. She looks up at me stressed and brushes her hair back out of her face. She shrugs and looks in the closet. I walk in to notice all the clothes are on the floor and shoes are everywhere. I put my hands on her shoulders and spin her around. I lay my chin on her head and wrap my arms around her. "There is no need to be all stressed out and nervous about this. Its not like your meeting my parents or anything." I say laughing. She looks up at me and smiles. "I'm sorry, I just get so nervous about meeting new people." She says playing with her bracelets. I take her wrist in my hands and push back the bracelets. I see the huge scars from where she had been depressed and wanted to hurt herself. I leaned down and kissed the scars. "I think that you shouldn't be nervous about anything, you're beautiful." I smile and take her hand in mine and guide her down stairs. She looks at me confused. "I figured you would have this problem so I went out and bought you a new ooutfit." I say leading her to the bathroom downstairs. I push open the door and there lays a beautiful yellow sun dress. She looks at me and then looks in the mirrior."Sky, told me you don't wear dresses, but I saw this and I was like this would look mighty fine on Ivy Mae Southworth." She smiles and walks up to me and gets on her tippy toes to reach my lips. She still can't reach, because shes like a hobbit. But I lean down and kiss her nice and tinderly. "Okay, I'll wear this but you have to get out!" She says pushing me out. "What! I was hoping I can watch!" I say joking around. She just shuts the door and laughs. I sit outside the door waiting inpatient. Alex comes in and sits next to me on the floor. "You waiting too?" he asks. I nod and sigh. I hear the door open and I hurry to my feet. I see the most beautiful woman in the world. She steps out her brown hair long and curly down to her ribs. Her face flawless and her eye makeup is just mascara. She smiles and looks down. The yellow dress making her eyes and hair pop out more. "You look beautiful." I say bearly getting that out.

Alex's P.O.V

Shit. Ivy looks good. But where's my princess? "Sky?" I yell loud. I hear footsteps come out of the living room. I turn around and see Sky. Her hair up with curls falling down around her face. She has a blue dress on. She smiles and blushes. I hold my hand out to her and pull her in for a hug. "Damn. Sky you look perfect." I say stroking her cheek. She smiles and looks over at Ivy. She releases me and covers her mouth in surprise. Ivy does a twirl and smiles. "Shit! Damn you look good girl!" She says laughing. What surprised me the most is the fact that Ivy doesn't have her bracelets on. Of course they wouldn't match but I figured she oils wear them anyways. I see the huge gashes in her arm from where she needed somebody. She looks down as she realizes what I'm looking at. She looks up again and I give her a smile.


Skylars P.O.V

I've never been so nervous in my life. What if they don't like me? That would suck because then all of the rest of the band would hate me except Alex and Jack. We all sit in silence as we drive up slow to the tour bus. Oh my god I think I'm hyperventilating. Shit! Alex puts the car in park and leans over and kisses me. After the beautiful kiss I feel like I'm ready to take on anything. Jack gets out and opens the door for Ivy and Alex does the same for me. They lead us onto the bus. I feel like I'm not breathing. There they are. Zack and Rian sitting on the couch watching TV. They look up and smile and greetIvy first and then me. "Hi. I'm Rian. Nice to meet the girl of Alex's dreams! He never shuts up about you." He says smiling and shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you too." I say sweetly and move on to Zack. "Nice to meet you skylar." He says being shy and adorable. "Call me Sky please. Nice to meet you too." I say sitting down next to Alex. Well that wasn't that bad. Alex and Jack start a conversation about something random and I look over at Ivy, who looks like she is so happy. I've never seen her this happy before. Then I hear the words "do you watch Sherlock." I kinda jumped and smiled. I look over at Ivy and she flips shit. "Oh my gosh! Yes! It's amazing right?" She almost screams. Zack was smiling, I'm guessing he's the one who asked. I nod and smile. "She's my John Watson!" Ivy says pointing at me. "We're huge dorks when it comes to our shows and books!" I say laughing. We had a deep conversation about how we think Sherlock really lived. (And if you don't understand that reference then I feel really bad for you. Bc Sherlock is the best.)


Ivy's P.O.V

Tonight went pretty good! I'm glad. They seemed to like me and Sky. I really hope they did. I hated how much I had to say goodbye to jack for a little while until I could see him again. He comes up to me and pulls me in for a hug. I hold him tight and I don't wanna let him go. He kisses to tip of my nose and I smile. I lean up and kiss him on the lips. Nice and easy and then he traces my lips with his tongue. I pull back and a tear slips. Shit! Stop crying! He smiles and wipes the year away. "I'll miss you, but I will come back. I promise. We will talk every time I get a chance and FaceTime." She smiles and holds me closer and tighter. "Okay." I barely choke out. "Goodbye my beautiful Ivy." He says as he walks away. I watch as he walks to the car but I can't just let him leave that easy. I run and to him and as he turns around I tackle him to the ground. I grab his face and kiss him hard. "Goodbye Barakat. We'll pick up where we left off when you come back." I say smiling and kissing his face all over. We get up and he gets in the car. I turn around and see Alex saying goodbye and kissing sky. The tears keep coming and I run over to Sky and we hold each other. We watch as our guys drive away. We will miss those perfect perfect men.


-I hope talk enjoyed that! Love you guys!^_^-chap-

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