Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I dropped my bag and hugged him back. He stiffened at first as if he didn't expect it, then visibly relaxed. A few moments later, he pulled away. He looked my way but not exactly at me, like he was looking right through me.

"Let's go, Danny boy," Damian said, pulling his brother back by his collar.

I picked up my bag off the ground and brushed the leaves off it. I hadn't taken time to admire the leaves this year. I loved autumn. All the colors were hard to ignore, and they made the place look bright. When I put my bag on again, I was alone. I spun in circles, trying to figure out where the boys had gone. Did they evaporate into thin air?

I jumped when my phone buzzed in my pocket, and looked at the time. 6:42.

Hey. I'm by the entrance to the cemetery. You can come when you're ready. –Zayne

When I got to the car, Zayne was talking on the phone. He seemed rather happy. "Is that...?" I asked and trailed off. He nodded with a smile. "I want to say hi."

"No," he mouthed. I pouted like an upset child and crossed my arms. "I won't be calling you tonight... Because you have an almost ten-hour flight to be on tomorrow, you won't want to get off the phone if I call, and it's almost midnight where you are... Yes, I'll be there to pick you up tomorrow after I leave Nina at school... Of course you can meet her tomorrow... Hey, we'll be living together in the span of twenty-four hours, you'll manage... I can't wait to see you too... Bye." He hung up and I smacked him on the arm.

"I wanted to say hi," I whined.

"Just wait twenty-four hours," he begged. I nodded. "Good, now let's go home. Cris must be bored out of his mind."

When we got home, we watched a movie called Young and Beautiful and snacked on popcorn and pretzels. It was in French with English subtitles, and was about a girl who, after losing her virginity during a quick holiday romance, started a secret life as a prostitute. It wasn't as censored as I thought it would be, but I guess every French movie was like that. They didn't really have any problem with exposing themselves in front of the camera. Nudity was natural.

When the movie ended, Zayne left the house to buy some things for his friend. I took another slice of Patatnik, and went straight up to my room to do my vocabulary homework for my Art History class. We had started studying the paintings from the Italian Renaissance. I wrote my journal entry for Leonardo da Vinci: A Renaissance Man, and filled out the vocabulary, which took longer than I expected it to.

I went back downstairs to get my blizzard out of the refrigerator and saw Cristóbal asleep on the sofa, curled up into a little ball. By the time I was done eating and had woken up Cris so he could go to bed, I had a slight headache and I welcomed sleep.

I woke up a few minutes before my alarm, but I didn't wait for it to go off. I got up and took a bath. Thankfully, it was Friday. When I finished my shower, I went to turn my alarm off before it woke Zayne up. He had been waking me up for the past three days. He needed sleep.

Feeling better and rather generous this morning, I decided to prepare breakfast for everyone. Sirene po Shopski is just a fancy way of saying eggs, peppers, toast, and cheese and that's exactly what I prepared. When everyone came downstairs half an hour later, I was finishing up the setting of the table.

"I should oversleep more often," Leanne said as she descended the winding stairs to the first floor, followed by Cris and Zayne. "Good morning."

"Good morning," I replied. "I wanted us to have breakfast together."

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