Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"So, what were you saying?" I said, hanging up the phone after a chat with Zayne. Apparently, he had gone up to my room in search of me, only to find I wasn't there. For some reason, he went into panic mode before deciding to just call me.

"I might dye my hair later and then... What do you want to do?" Natalia asked. She flipped her curls over her shoulder and looked at me intently.

"Don't dye it. You look good as a brunette. I want to go the mall. I have a shoot on Wednesday."

"Damn right you do. Hey, why don't you invite Damian and Daniel to the shoot?" she asked suddenly with her upper lip covered in whipped cream from the hot chocolate she was drinking. I wiped my lip to make sure I didn't look the same, and motioned for her to wipe hers while I stifled a laugh. It was surprising that she was drinking hot chocolate. She got so obsessed about her weight sometimes that I worried. "Anyways, they're our friends, and I bet they've never really seen your pictures. They'd be drooling over you if they knew you were so popular."


"Say yes," she demanded pointing a perfectly manicured finger at me.


"Say yes, or I'll ask them myself and then you won't have a choice." She was back to bossy.

"Do I have a choice now?" I asked.

"I'll ask them myself, and then we can all go."

"Who says you're coming?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Haha, you're so funny," she replied sarcastically. "Of course, I'll be coming. It's my job as your best friend to come to every shoot you do. Louis would kill you if you didn't bring me."

My phone buzzed as I shook my head at her craziness.

I managed to get you a dinner meeting with La Belle magazine at Beach Bistro. ;-)...-Louis

I read the message and showed it to Natalia.

"Hold up, does he know how far Beach Bistro is?" she asked me with a shocked expression. "It's like a four-hour drive from your house. I think Louis is off his rockers!" It irked Louis when she pronounced his name like you would 'Lewis'. Because he was French, the s was silent, but Natalia wasn't a fan or correction.

"That far?"

"Tell him to reschedule to this weekend so you could bring me along."

I hated how she put herself in the middle of my career all of the time. This wasn't a photoshoot that she could easily tag along to. This was business, my career, Louis' career.

Awesome, it's a great magazine. One problem: that's in the middle of the week and I have school. I'll have to think about it. –Nina

I smiled and pressed send. I hadn't told Natalia about Daniel yet. I was a terrible friend. My phone buzzed, pulling me from my thoughts.

I'll see what I can do. Bring along friend if you want. There is a tour of the La Belle office too. Remember the photo shoot on Wednesday. –Louis

Grinning, I showed her the text and her expression matched mine. I dropped my phone on the table. "If I tell him to book a hotel, we'd have to leave from Friday evening, and we can be back from Sunday morning or evening."

"Who cares about that? I'm just glad that I'll have something to do, and I get to shop!" she exclaimed, putting money down to pay for our breakfasts. I got up with her, and took up my cardigan that I had taken off and set down beside me in the booth. Because of the temperature outside, the café we were in had turned the air off inside so it was nice and toasty and I had no need for my cardigan.

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