Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

I enjoyed the rest of the weekend with my sister and the twins. We went to the beach on Sunday, and tried conch fritters and rock shrimp that I had never tried before. When I admitted I never tasted it, Damian had looked at me like I had grown another head and three eyes. Apparently, it was popular along the coast. I bought a whole bunch of it on the way back to the house, being a lover of all seafood.

I never expected to have much fun with the twins. We had been getting close, but I think the time I had spent with them the entire weekend brought us closer together. Kaitlyn and Joshua called and asked for the fiftieth time when I was coming back home. I guessed they missed me. I hadn't expected them to. More like I hadn't really expected Kaitlyn to.

Joshua texted me non-stop all day on Sunday when I told him that I was going to go to the beach. He demanded to know who with, and how long I was going to be out. Then he wanted me to update him on my whereabouts for the entire day. Needless to say, I got annoyed, but it grew when I came back from a swim only to see ten missed calls from him. I didn't bother calling him back until I was going to bed that night.

I did care for Josh, but I had explained to him over and over again that I was with friends, taking a break from the stress of every day life. I assured him I was fine. Even Leanne didn't bother calling me so many times. She had texted me twice, both messages telling me that she hoped I was having fun, and not to rush home if I wasn't ready.

On Monday morning, as we packed to leave the house, Nova and Damian held us up. Daniel and I sat in the car for almost an hour waiting on the two, before deciding to start the drive without them. They had Nova's car, and I did not want to think about what they could've been doing. I was afraid of what I would hear if I tried to focus and listen like Nova had taught me to do.

It took us nearly five hours to get back to the city, only stopping for burgers and donuts. Daniel was tense as we neared my house, and I didn't have to wonder why. I would be going home to Joshua now. What we did on the first night away wasn't forgotten, but it had to be pushed to the back of our minds.

He drove up the driveway and I almost missed the safe house. I didn't want to go home yet, but I was already here. I was surprised Joshua wasn't there to greet me as soon as Daniel parked in front of the house. He had been smothering me lately, even from miles away, and I was a little relieved to not have seen him yet. Taking advantage of the moment just in case Josh was right behind the door, I sat in the car in slightly tensed silence for a little while.

"He's waiting," Daniel said lowly. "Behind the door," he added.

Just as I had feared. "I guess I should go then," I said reluctantly and Daniel left the car to get my things from the back. I left the car with quite some effort and met him in front of the vehicle. "Will I see you soon?" I asked when he handed my bags to me.

"Maybe," he shrugged.

Since we couldn't be more, I at least wanted to be friends with him, not that I wanted to be more. He wasn't good for me. I needed some level of normalcy in my life, and he was not it. Joshua was it. He was what I needed. At least I hoped so.

I took my bags from him and forced a pleasant smile, before walking inside and running right into Josh. I wasn't as happy to see him as I expected I would be, but I let him kiss me and we spent the rest of the day cuddled up in my bed eating, talking, and watching movies. Around 7:00pm, he got a call from his parents and had to leave. I was glad for the alone time.

As soon as he left, I took a long relaxing shower. For the first time in weeks, I took a shower without having a thousand migraine-inducing thoughts running through my mind. My weekend away had relaxed me. With the warm water and soap running down my body, my mind was clear, and I felt at ease. Having been at the beach, I washed the salt out of my hair properly. Stepping out of the shower, I inhaled the strawberry scent of my shower scrub and shampoo, and felt strangely calm; something I hadn't felt in too long a time.

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