Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six

I slept dreamlessly, and it took me a while, after waking up, to remember where I was. This room was more spacious and fancier than my familiar bedroom, and was painted a completely different color. Light streamed through the window and onto the bed and floor, illuminated everything. The furniture, little decorations, and the sleeping face next to me.

I rolled over to face him and smiled. He looked so peaceful when sleeping. Carefully, I moved a lock of dark hair from his face and pressed my hand gently to his cheek. Suddenly I was overwhelmed with pictures, and sounds, and feelings, that were not my own. It was similar to what happened with Austin.

This time, I wasn't feeling lonely and watching Austin's transition into a werewolf. No. I was watching Daniel and Damian when they were younger, playing and enjoying themselves. Then there was a man, tall and scary-looking who looked like he was capable of breaking someone in half. He cast a shadow over the boys, and the smiles on their faces disappeared as soon as the man started to yell something, but I couldn't quite understand what.

The scene then changed to... Nova? Me? We were with the boys, them looking as they do now. We were sitting in a field, talking and laughing in black and white. Then it switched to me in all white, my mouth stained with something red. Daniel lay beside me, looking up at me, neck bleeding, contradicting the smile on his face as he looked up at me lovingly. There were steamy moments where pictures flashed across my vision of us in bed together, and others of us arguing. Then I was running and was soon joined by Nova as we disappeared and left the boys behind.

Then red filled my vision. Blood? Fire. The twins were grown, looking as they do now, but their faces and clothes were stained with blood as they watched a building burn to the ground. A few more images and clips passed of them over the years. As the times changed, so did the way they dressed, and a recurring figure started to stand out. Daniel was happy, and always with his brother and another guy that looked vaguely familiar to me. I could hear his name, and see them together. They looked like best friends. I felt like I was watching a movie, but the director had a broken camera.

Then, just as suddenly as I was pulled into Daniel's head, I was shoved out and lay on the bed beside him, panting softly. He had not woken up yet, but he had stirred slightly. I quickly pulled my hand back from his cheek and slid from the bed. I grabbed my robe and secured it around me while shoving my feet into flip flops at the same time. Not even bothering to make sure I looked presentable, I carefully left the room and walked quickly down the hall. I didn't know which room Nova was supposed to be in, but one look at a clock I passed made me well aware that she wouldn't have been in her room at this time of the day.

I quickly made my way downstairs and into the kitchen, where she was sitting on the counter watching Damian cook. I quickly greeted them and hurriedly told Nova that I needed to speak with her. Having no trouble reading the urgent look on my face, she hopped off the counter and led me out of the kitchen, up the stairs and into her bedroom.

"What's wrong?" she asked with obvious concern as she sat on the bed. I was too nervous to sit, and paced in front of her instead. "Nikolina, sprete! You're making me dizzy."

"I'm sorry. I just don't know where to begin." I stopped pacing and looked at her. "Can I read minds?"

"Not exactly. Why?" she asked.

"Because a few weeks ago, one of my friends, the werewolf, was pretty upset, and when I touched his hand, I could see everything. His past, him becoming a wolf, how he met his boyfriend, and the time they shared together. Everything from when he was a little kid, to him coming here to be with his boyfriend," I explained quickly. "Then, this morning, I touched Daniel's face while he was sleeping, and saw flashes and clips of when he was younger, then of him changing through the years. I saw a fire, and blood, and... us. I saw us, and Daniel and I were together." I paused, slightly breathless. "Is that what you meant when you said that it was nice that Daniel and I found each other again?" I asked. "Because we were together however many years ago?"

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