Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-two

"Dance with me, Nina," Nova said over the swing of smooth jazz music. Without bothering to let me answer, she held my hand and pulled me off into the dance floor, earning us glances from men as we danced together.

I loved being here at the Band Box. It was a small, hole-in-the-wall club in Chicago, that opened about a year ago. I loved the music they played. It was mostly jazz though, but I enjoyed the people more. The crowd consisted of mostly people who were passing through town, outsiders who were looking for nice entertainment in this wonderful city.

I pulled back from my sister and snatched two cocktails from the floating rounds carried by waiters. Handing my sister one, I raised my glass. "To us. May we be together forever and always."

"Forever and always," she said, and smiled as we clinked our glasses together, and took a sip of our drinks.

"May I cut in ladies?" A man with blonde hair and a dashing suit came over to us. "Twins. Beautiful," he said with a side grin.

Nova played with the pearls around her neck, her red lips curved into a flirtatious smile. With her hair perfectly curled, short black dress on, a mountain of pearls around her neck and wrists, and a feather in her thin headband, she came to the Band Box dressed to kill... literally. It was the twenties after all, and we were dressed in the best anyone could afford.

I didn't look too bad either. I decided on a short blue dress with fringe all over, knee high stockings with garters, and pearls adorning my head band, neck, and wrists. With a shocking shade of red on, I did look amazing if I did say so myself.

"Nina, behave while I entertain this gentleman," Nova said as she took his arm. "And I do mean behave." She put emphasis on the word behave and looked at me seriously.

"Yes, dear sister," I said with a smile before walking over to a corner booth and finding a seat for myself. I liked sitting in the corner. From where I sat, I could see everyone and everything, but anyone and anything couldn't really see me.

I sat by myself for a while, enjoying the music until someone sat in front of me. "You'd usually be the center of attention, flirting away with men whose pockets are lined with cold hard cash ready to spend on you."

"You know that's not true, Nathaniel," I said with a smile.

He smiled, removing his jacket and hat. "Did you just come because Novalina wanted to come?"

I smiled. "You can see right through me, can't you?" I teased.

"Am I ever wrong?" he asked, raising a finger to call over a waitress. "Potatoes a la Hollandaise for me and the lady with two cocktails please," he said and she left to go get it.

"I'm not hungry."

"I ordered it for your own good. It'll help with the cravings."

Nathaniel's hair was perfectly gelled back, and he held a charming smile on his face while women, too shy to look at him directly, glanced at him from the corners of their eyes. He was truly a sight for sore eyes.

"I guess you're never wrong," I said, looking into my empty glass. "You look dapper. I thought you wouldn't have bothered to come out tonight," I said. "If I recall correctly, you said 'I have better things to do'."

"I did. My business is taken care of." The waitress came back with our food and drinks. "Father wants to know when we're coming back. He's quite worried about you, especially after what you did while we were passing through Missouri."

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