Chapter Forty-Two

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Chapter Forty-Two

The cool wind felt nice, even though I my skin was freezing. It ruffled my hair, blowing my curls back away from my face. Even with the cars whizzing by behind me, it was peaceful, and I was calm.

I didn't know how I managed to make it all the way to the bridge in my state. Along with the weight loss, I had grown extremely weak. Between the long hours of sleep, I managed to look up starvation. There was a lot of breaking down of fat and muscle that took at least three weeks. My starvation had been sped up, and it wasn't due to lack of stopping it.

As much as I wanted this all to end, I could not escape Leanne when she picked the lock on my door and made me try to eat. I tried oatmeal. It took an hour of sitting in my stomach before my body decided to eject it, all over Leanne's purple shirt. We tried tea next that tasted like shit, for lack of a better word. We gave up after that. Leanne was panicking, but she was bad at hiding it. She left, mumbling something I was too tired to hear.

I took my rapid starvation as a sign. I hadn't been outside of my bedroom in days. Twelve hours ago, when I dragged my butt out of bed and set out to make myself not look like death, I was on a mission. As much as my makeup skills sucked, I managed to look believably well, considering Leanne and Diego didn't question my sudden urge to go for a drive. They seemed happy.

Too bad they weren't aware of what I planned to do. No, it was good. They wouldn't be able to stop me. By the time they found out, I would be long gone.

It shouldn't hurt. Only water was below. Maybe Kaitlyn would feel better knowing the monster who killed her mother is also dead. Malaya was right, monsters like me should die. All the Rogues were right. An Abomination. That is what I was. I had become a murderer to save my own life. How many more had to die so I could live? This way, it would be over, and everyone would be safe.

Cars had started to honk at my parked car. I didn't exactly pull over in a safe place. I was blocking a good part of one lane, making traffic pile up there. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. Luckily, fear was a feeling I had long abandoned. I dangled my right foot over the edge and stepped off.

Wind rushed past my ears as I fell, waiting to hit the water. I waited, but I never touched the water. I hadn't heard the flap of wings over the rushing of the wind in my ears, but I knew when I had stopped falling. I was being held, instead, against a warm chest. My eyes refused to open until I was still again.

"Nikolina," came a deep voice.

I looked up into the face of Ridge. Even curled against his chest, I could glimpse his wings, even blacker than the night sky. "How did you know where I was?"

"Your father gave me instructions to keep an eye on you. I am supposed to watch over and protect you, only showing myself when absolutely necessary." His eyes hardened as he set me on my feet. Unstable on my own, I held ono him. "Like when you are trying to kill yourself. Your father would not be pleased with me if he found out you hurt yourself on my watch." He eyed me closely. "Now, what could have driven you to such a decision, princess?"

It didn't matter now. He had already ruined my plans. "I don't deserve to live. Even my body has given up on me. Ridge, I'm a murderer. I'm a tornado. I pull everything good around me in, and then ruin it, tear it to pieces, and then I move on to wreck something else." I looked up at him with a sad smile. "I was told that I shouldn't exist. At first, I didn't think much about why. I just wanted to live. But in doing so, I have killed four people. Kaitlyn is now motherless, like me. Even Daniel has lost all feelings for me. I don't blame him. There is no way to come back from that."

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