Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-eight

Over a week passed since the incident. I neither saw nor heard from Austin as if he was no longer living with us. Zayne immersed himself in his studies, and Leanne was very quiet. Cris spent most of his time in his bedroom, and Diego was constantly working late. Something hung in the air. It was like everyone could tell that something was wrong, or that something bad had happened.

Luckily, I hadn't been attacked or had to obsess over any other supernatural facts. It was a pretty normal week for me. Kaitlyn didn't even bring up what happened at the party, which I was very grateful for. I even managed to get all my missing and late assignments in, which pleased my teachers and Leanne that I was back on track in school.

Somewhere in the middle of the week, I found the paper that Nova had written her address and number on, and called her. We met up, talked, went for dinner, and the only time we spoke of anything supernatural was when I asked her what it meant to be touched by the dark and the light.

"It means to have your soul tainted," she had said. "People who've had their soul tainted tend to struggle with their humanity. Some lose their minds, a lot of them turn into serial killers, and some even kill themselves. It's like struggling with the good and the bad inside you, and the bad has the upper hand."

"Doesn't everyone have a good and bad side?" I had asked.

"Yes, but this is a little different." She then went into a long explanation that I didn't quite understand, but she tried. I think I got the gist of it, but I didn't think I would be able to explain it to someone if they asked me about it. "The person touched by the dark and light has two personalities. One that has humanity, and one that doesn't. Usually this person is good, but they have to fight the darkness all the time. Some of them let it consume them and they lose their humanity."

"What do you mean?"

"Their emotions, morals, and sense of right and wrong no longer exists. Sometimes, a little darkness can seep in. But the person has to be careful. It could drive them crazy."

Hearing all that made me hope I wasn't one of those people, but I could sense the rogues like Daniel could. Nova had also mentioned it was very rare for someone to be touched by the light and the dark. It sounded like someone suffering from an uncontrollable mental illness like dissociative personality disorder.

I didn't question any further. I think my brain held enough supernatural facts to last a life time. I couldn't help wishing I had some kind a normal thing I could turn to in order to keep myself sane. Nova realized, and tried to avoid the topic as much as she could. Another thing I was grateful for.

A knock on my door woke me from my light slumber. In a groggy voice, I managed to say "Come in" before squinting at the sun shining through my window. My room door opened silently and Austin stepped right in, shutting the door behind him.

"I won't hurt you, I swear," he said quickly.

Seeing him through my half-closed eyes, made me become a little more alert and sit up in bed. "I never thought you would," I said softly, my voice a little hoarse from hours of not using it. He seemed shaky and anxious. Scooting closing to the end of the bed, I patted a space beside me for him to sit. "What's wrong?"

He hesitated a little before sitting next to me. Rubbing his face with his hands, he said, "I don't think I can do this. Tell him, I mean." His voice shook at the end. "He's going to hate me so much."

"No, he's not. Zayne is incapable of such a strong negative emotion."

"Well, he's not going to just wrap his arms around me and accept it either," he said, voice raising a little. He removed his hands from his face and I saw his cheeks were wet. "I packed a bag."

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