Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

The feeling of dread was back again. It was a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I knew something bad was going to happen. I also felt like someone had been watching me all day. A creepy feeling like spiders crawling on the back of my neck.

I was much too aware of the things I did. The way I breathed, the way I walked, the way I pronounced words that sounded different coming from my mouth because of my accent. I was all too aware of it. Something had me on edge, and I didn't like the feeling.

The impatient tapping of Shelby's nails on the desk on the other side of the room in AP English 4, the way Kaitlyn's chest moved up and down when she looked between Laura and I and sighed, and the slow rhythm of the twins' hearts as they beat strangely in sync as if they were one, were some of the many things, and it was starting to creep me out.

When the bell rang at the end of school, it sounded even more annoying than usual which put me in a mood for my Girls Talk meeting. I didn't bother to participate. Mrs. Savoy was extra annoying today, too. It was like she wanted to strangle us all, and she picked on me for everything. Not surprising, she had me stay after the meeting to organize a few files in her office. She had said a few, but the mountain of folders I had to look through didn't look like just a few to me.

Having been tortured enough by Mrs. Savoy, I was more than ready to go home. The entire school was empty, except for a few members of the janitorial staff that were going around and checking the classrooms. I left the office with my bag slung over my shoulder, and proceeded to walk through the school to my car.

I thought it was going to be the only vehicle in the parking lot, but I saw a familiar vehicle parked next to it. I came to a halt when Damian, Daniel and Kaitlyn climbed out of the vehicle. "Guys," I said, making my way slowly over to them. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We wanted to make sure you were okay," Kaitlyn said, walking forwards. "You hardly said a word to any of us today."

"And when Kaitlyn told us after school that you were going to be staying behind for a club meeting..." Damian said.

"We came to make sure you were okay," Daniel finished, eyes everywhere but on me.

I smiled. "That means a lot," I said honestly. I looked around and bit my lip. "Where's Laura?" I asked. Sometimes I swear I do things just to torture myself.

"I-I dropped her off at home before coming here," Kaitlyn said. "She's not really talking to anyone right now, Nina. Not her dad, not my mom, not even me."

I didn't know what to say, but I felt better when Kaitlyn hugged me, and Damian put his arm around my shoulders. It made me feel better, despite all the awkwardness today. But the feeling was still there and as I stood there speaking to my friends, it got stronger to the point where I wished I could step out of my own skin for a minute or two.

"Something is wrong," I whispered and directed my gaze to the school.

"What's wrong?" Kaitlyn asked.

"I don't know," I said and put my bag into my car. Locking my car, I made my way towards the forty-years-old brick building. "I'll be right back." Ignoring them calling me back, I reentered the school and walked down the empty hallways.

I don't know what it was exactly but I felt as if I was being pulled through the hallways towards a specific point. Common sense told me to turn back, but I was always a curious kid, and curiousness wasn't something you just grew out of.

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