Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Chapter Thirty-Nine

The morning of school came, and I managed to drag myself out of bed at the right time to attend the institution. I begged Leanne to not let me go, but she said I should, and that she had to work, so I got into my car rather reluctantly, and drove myself and Cris to school. He was happier than I was to get back to school to see his friends.

It was lunch time before I met up with all of my friends. There had been whispers all day from people wondering what had happened to the school. There were stories of freak incidents, and a prank gone wrong, but no one was spot on in what really happened of course. Damian had come to school, but it wasn't until lunch that I realized Daniel had been there too.

I hadn't wanted to sound vain, but I thought Daniel was avoiding me, and I had no idea why. There was nothing I could remember that happened between us that would make him want to stay away from me. While thinking of this, our intimate moment from Fort Lauderdale flooded into my head and made my cheek go rosy pink. I wondered if that was why he was steering clear of me all day.

The next day, Daniel was still staying away from me, and usually that wouldn't bother me, but with my confused feelings towards him, and not knowing why he would want to evade me, it annoyed me to no end. At the end of school, I caught up with him on the way to his car, and planted myself between him and the driver's door. "We need to talk."

"I have nothing to say to you," he spat menacingly. I was taken aback by his harsh tone. "Get out of my way."

"No," I said, determinedly. "No, I will not get out of your way. Why are you being so cold to me all of a sudden?" I asked. I saw his muscles tense under his shirt, and from the muscles standing out in his jaw, I knew he was clenching his teeth together tightly. "Tell me," I demanded. He stayed silent. "Is it because of what happened between us in Fort Lauderdale?" I asked, lowering my voice a little in case students passing heard, and made something of it with their imaginations.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I gave him a flat look. "It didn't mean anything to you, so why would it mean something to me?" he said suddenly.

I held up a finger and furrowed my eyebrows. "I never said that," I said. He let out an exasperated sigh. "Come over later?" I could see the battle going on behind his eyes, and wondered if he would actually come over. "You can come through the front door this time," I said softly as if that would sway his decision. I sighed and stepped aside when he continued to stare at me, tucking my newly straightened hair out of my face.

As soon as I moved, he opened the car door, got inside, and backed out of the parking lot. The twins took separate cars to school today, and I believe it was because Damian was going to a certain bed and breakfast after school and poor, moody Daniel would've wanted to be anywhere else.

I watched his car disappear out the front gates and sighed as I made my way to my own vehicle, admiring the clean finish as I got in and shut the door. I rested my forehead against the steering wheel for a few moments of thought, something I did quite frequently over the past few months. They swarmed my head like bees and invaded my very sleep.

I was tired. Not mentally, like I had been used to, but physically. Every time I went outside, I felt as if the sun was draining all my energy.

Leaning back in my seat, I buckled my seatbelt and was about to turn put the key in the ignition, when I stopped and wondered if I could do it without my hands. I had gotten better at my training. Malaya had said so. She had even shown me things I could do with my mind without having to chant, or say a spell. I could move branches, and command the wind with my mind. How hard could it be to start a car?

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