Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Today was just not my day at all. I woke up in the best of moods because I had slept like a baby the night before with Daniel next to me. After he left to head home, I had gotten dressed in my off-white Grecian styled dress for today's traditional Senior Toga Day, and curled my hair perfectly. Then came my first problem: the zipper at the side of my dress broke.

If it wasn't for the backup dress Louis so thoughtfully put inside the garment bag, I would've had to wear my cheerleading uniform to school and stand out among all the seniors. In all honesty, I liked the second dress better. It was white, and floor length, with a split that started from mid-thigh though it showed nothing unless I lifted my leg.

Before I had finished getting dressed and packing my uniform, Nova found her way through my window. We sat and talked for a while about everything but the unnatural.

"Can I come to your school?" she had asked as she watched me fix the gold cuffs on my wrists. "I'll lay low and I won't talk to anyone, I swear."

"Sure. But why would you want to come to a high school pep rally anyways? I'm sure you have more interesting things to do," I asked, adjusting the gold belt around my waist before zipping up my bag.

"Actually, no. I came here to spend time with my sister, and that's what I plan to do," she replied before giving me a comforting hug.

Breakfast went well, but I was running late and had to run out of the house with a blueberry bagel stuck halfway into my mouth. Trying not to get pulled over so early in the morning, I made it to school in time for first period, just missing the morning show. After being reprimanded by my homeroom teacher, I took my seat which was unfortunately still next to Natalia who, for the sake of all that was good and pure, would not shut up.

After homeroom, I went to my locker to get my books for my pre-lunch classes. As if I hadn't endured enough, the dial on my locker got jammed as I was trying to open it. It took Damian's strength to open it, and surprisingly not break it.

Damian and Daniel had dressed up in white dress shirts and white pants. It wasn't very Grecian of them, but they looked handsome just the same. Laura's long, white dress sparkled when she walked and was just a longer version of Kaitlyn's, whose dress was rather short. I liked seeing the entire senior student body decked out in white.

Now, I was walking around the school with Shelby in our uniforms, on order from the coach looking for the school's resource deputy. We had less than an hour before the rest of the students were going to be dismissed by year to go to the gym where the pep rally would be held.

The new cheer uniforms were better than the first. I felt like the ones we had before were too revealing, but I heard that Shelby and her cronies had offered to design the uniforms and had ordered them before they had even been approved by the coach so it was looked over. This uniform, however, was designed by coach herself. It had a cropped top with long sleeves that had triangular cut outs from shoulder to wrist. The skirt was black and straight with white and metallic blue stripes that matched the pattern of the top.

Shelby and I made our way through the school in silence, neither of us happy to be around the other. We had looked in Dep's office, the Student Affairs Office, and the main office already, but there was no sign of him. Shelby sighed as we walked through the side doors of the main school building that led out into the junior parking lot.

"Problem, Shel?" I asked, using the nick name I usually did back when we were friends.

"Not at all," she said quickly, faking a smile.

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