Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

The sun had been bothering me a lot today. It was annoyingly bright and hurt my eyes. My skin felt like it was burning, and it didn't help that my Wonder Wednesday attire consisted of a cropped, long sleeved top, a high-waisted skirt, and knee-high boots, paired with a short cape to complete my Superwoman costume.

I was currently hiding under the bleachers on the football field, wearing Damian's oversized Superman jacket. It was hot out, but as soon as I was inside or covered, the pulsing heat stopped. I had checked the temperature on my phone and even went online for a weather report. It was seventy-two degrees out, but it felt at least ten degrees hotter. So much for it being Fall.

I was the only one who felt like they were standing next to a magma chamber. I sighed as I adjusted the hoodie on my head. I was skipping class for the first time in about four years, and I didn't care. All the way out here, I couldn't hear the bell but Batgirl Laura, and Spidergirl Kaitlyn, had promised to come for me as soon as the bell rang for dismissal. I was starting to think I really had found true friends.

Sighing for the eighth time today, I recalled yesterday. After hanging around by the pool for hours, Laura and Kaitlyn stayed for dinner. Afterwards, we had gone up to my room to talk for a while, and I told Laura about my abilities. She was so excited, and thought it was really cool. I didn't think there was anything 'cool' about having inhuman abilities. What I wouldn't give to be like Laura, who didn't have to worry about burning down her home if she got angry.

Footsteps caught my attention and I sat up. A pair of khakis and grey vans appeared, and I knew it wasn't a teacher. The person squatted down and Daniel's cold gaze and messy black hair popped into view.

"School is over," he said in a clipped tone.

I stood, bending down a bit as I came from under the bleachers with my back pack. Daniel seemed a bit more irritated than usual, and he looked different. His pupils had an obvious red ring around them, and I wondered if it was a vampire thing. I had noticed it only once before.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly before he turned away from me and started walking across the field. "Daniel-"

"Nothing is wrong."

"But your eyes..."

His even steps faltered slightly but he didn't stop walking. I had to walk fast to keep up with his long strides. He completely ignored me for half the walk across the football field, but I wasn't going to deal with his rollercoaster of emotions anymore. I was the only person he was so cold to, and I wanted to know why.

Dropping my bag, I ran in front of him and stopped. His eyes faintly glowed as he stopped walking and stood two feet away from me. "What is your deal?" I asked and when he didn't answer, "Did I do something to you that would make you act like this towards me?"

Seconds that felt like minutes passed by before he closed the distance between us and crashed his lips against mine with a bruising force that had me stunned for a few seconds, but I kissed back. There was nothing gentle about the way his lips moved against mine, but I liked it. I loved it. Suddenly, he pulled away and before I could look at him, he turned away from me.

"You should catch up with your friends. The girls are waiting by your car."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Was he serious? "Dan-"

"Go!" he yelled and I took a step back before I realized something. I wasn't afraid of him.


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