Chapter 5: Kira's nightmare

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I'm back again. Just to let you all know Neon and Kira with get their powers soon. I've been building characters, which I love doing. Also guys there's this thing going around called the 'Blue Whale Challenge' this challenge is if you were om Instagram or something like that. Someone sends a link to the app and you click on it. Well you have to complete these daily-tasks this includes self-harm. When you finish the 'game' you have to kill yourself. Oh, and you can't delete this app. If you try to back out of this the manager sends you threats to like your families and they have all of your personal information. Its already has taken 130 lives in Russia. It's a serious issue so please don't do this. Spread awareness and tell your families and friends. Sorry for the depressing note I needed to say it, to get it out there. So I hope you enjoy the chapter.

There was fire everwhere and everything was destory. I was back in my hometown, Yamato. I have no idea where Neon is. I need to find her to see if she's alright. I just kept running trying to find Neon and to get  away from the fire. As I try to get away from the fire it keeps coming closer. I could even feel the flames burning my skin. Then I saw a girl cover in dirt she even seem have some burns from the fire.

Kira: Hey, are you alright

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Kira: Hey, are you alright. Do you need help?

Girl: Yeah, I just fell. The question is are you alright, Kira. *Girl turns around to Kira*

The voice and how did she know my name. Wait, Neon I can recognize those blue eyes from anywhere it's Neon.

Kira: Neon!? You don't look alright. You're cover in dirt and burm marks. We need to get out of here and get you a doctor you're hurt! Don't worry about me!

Neon: I'll be alright, I promise. *Neon smiles at Kira then collapse into Kira's arms*

Kira: Neon...Neon....NEON! Can you hear me! Wake up, Wake up. Please sis, stay with me. Please open up those blue eyes of yours. *Kira puts her head on Neon's chest doesn't hear a heartbeat*

Kira: No....No.....NO! DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME NEON YOU CAN'T NOT AFTER EVERYTHING YOU'VE BEEM THROUGH! NOT LIKE THIS! *Tears stream down Kira's face* I....c-CAN'T loose you, not you out of all people in the world! Neon please don't do this. This can't be really it has to be a dream. If it is I like to wake up now.

I look a Neon dirt, burn cover body. She can't be dead my big sister, my bestfriend.

Boy: Kira, there you are.

Kira: Yuki, get away from there. It's too dangerous!

Yuki: But I need y--

Then I saw Yuki get golfed up in the flames. I watched Yuki's body burn to ashes. I was frozen in place I couldn't do anything but watch. The ones I love die. Why!

Kira: NO!!!!!!!!!!! *screams*

I wake up in my bed in next to Yuki.

Yuki: Kira are you okay. You were screaming in your sleep. Your drench in sweat and your burning up.

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