Living with the Dragons

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This is for all the Imagine Dragon lovers out there! This is for me also! So the POVs will be Blair and Dan Reynolds. Well on to the story.

&*Blair's POV*&

Hi, my name is Blair Benly. My parents have been dead for 9 years. I was only 6 when they died in a car crash accident. I now live in Alameda, CA, the worst place to live. My aunt and uncle did not want to take me, and I have no other known relatives. I live in a hell hole called Emerald Orphanage. The worst place on the planet.


"Hey weirdo! Get away from my mirror! Even it doesn't need to know what your face looks like." Jennifer exclaimed. "Why?" I called." I mean it sees your face every minute." I got slapped so hard every day, that I didn't even feel this one.

Shakily, I got up only to be thrown on the ground, and get kicked over 10 times. I roll over and run to my room, while getting stuff thrown at my head and being called freak and weirdo. Once I close the door, I lock it shut. I craw into bed and cry. I am never going to get adopted, I thought. Suddenly, I heard the door bell ring.

I changed into dark, blue jeans, a silver and black hoodie, and black converses. I put a little bit of makeup to hide my bruises and head downstairs. As I walk to the door, I hear a familiar voice. I opened the door and saw 4 guys."Hello!" I put on a smile and welcomed them in.

"Mrs.Que there are people here!" I call upstairs. Jennifer rushes down with 8 other girls, who also hate me. I get shoved and pushed from the other girls, who try to get enough attention as possible.

Mrs.Que walks down and tells us to line up, shoulder to shoulder. I am of course the last one so I plug in my favorite headphones and listen to the Fray's How to save a life. The leader of the 4 guys, looks at everyone and after hearing their responses, is not happy.

I close my eyes and put both headphones in. Opening an eye, I look around. The leader looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "Um hi," I say taking my headphones out and put on a smile. He rolls his eyes and looks at his buddies. "Lets go," he says. That is when my phone started to ring and it was playing Imagine Dragon's Tiptoe.

He turns and looks at me. "Is that Imagine Dragons?" He asked me. Nodding, I stand up straighter. He looks at his buddies and turns to me. "What else do you like?" He asked me. My face brightened. "I like, no scratch that, I LOVE Coldplay, OneRepublic, The Fray, Metric, Vampire Weekend, and a bunch of others!" I say happily.

He turns to his friends and smile. "I want her as a daughter," he pointed at me. Secretly, I was say OH MY GAWD over and over in my head. But in real life, I smiled and said "wheeeee," All the way upstairs to pack. As quickly as possible, I packed my clothes and personal stuff into 2 suitcases and a backpack, that has Keep Calm and Geek On, on it.

I dragged everything downstairs and tied my converses. the leader turned to me and smiled. "So I never did get your name..." he trailed off, expectantly. Laughing nervously, I started to fiddle with my fingers. "Oh my name is Blair, what about you?" I asked, trying to keep a conversation going. He laughed, and signaled his buddies to come over to help with my bags. He put his arm around my shoulders and steered me outside.

Once we were out, he turned to me. "My name is Dan," he says, smiling at me. I stared at him. "Why does that name sound so familiar?" I questioned out loud. He smiled and laughed. "Once you start living with us, you will know," He exclaimed, smiling. The other three walked up to me. Dan looked at them and introduced them to me. Their names were Ben, Daniel, and Wayne. Looking at them, I smiled. "So there's another Dan?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

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