Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Stepping into the water, Destiny let out a sigh of content.

Beside her, the rest of the members of Phoenix stood in line with their feet in the water.

All except for Alpha.

As a son of Poseidon, he knew that as soon as he steps into the water, his dad would know.

Even out of the water, the creatures in the water are worshipping him. He hope that it doesn't alert his father.

Destiny turned to face her brother, "You do know that you can shield your presence right? Now that you're a member of Phoenix."

Alpha nodded, "Yes, but I don't want to tire myself. I am still new to this."

"But that is not the reason why you're afraid of the sea."

Alpha kept his head down as he sat down on the white sand. He grabbed a fistful of sand and brought it up to the same level as his face. Slowly, he loosen his hold and the sand trickled out of his fist, flying along with the wind.

Destiny sighed and turned back to the horizon.

The sun was high up in the sky, the heat beating down on the Phoenix.

With a flick of her wrist, Destiny caused a huge wave to come towards her. Just as the wave was about to hit shore, she pushed her hands down quickly and the wave carried her up into the air. Moving her hands in circular, she started to move the waves about.

Alpha watched as the rest of the Phoenix started to play around with their powers, testing the waters on their limits.

Suddenly, Destiny let out a huge cry as the wave beneath her gave away.

Lucian ran as fast as he could towards the daughter of Poseidon but on water, he wasn't fast enough.

Alpha leaped to his feet with his hand stretched out in front of him. Giving Lucian a nod, he commanded the water to aid to Lucian and together they managed to catch Destiny before she hits that water.

Destiny was taking in huge breaths as she was carried back to shore.

The Phoenix gathered around the two.

"Are you alright?"

Destiny closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Lucian. She slowly nodded, giving her friends relief.

"I'm fine guys. I just need rest."

Lucian tightened his arms around her and said to his friends, "I'll look after her. You guys continue practice."

Alpha sat down next to the two as the rest reluctantly walked off.

"Ash, you have to take care of yourself. I can't bear losing someone else." Alpha muttered.

Destiny, with her eyes still closed, nodded once again, "I will. Don't worry."

Alpha sighed and stood up. Slowly, he built up some courage and inched towards the sea. As he got closer to the water, the creatures in the sea started cheering in delight for their prince was making his way towards them. When his feet finally touched the sea water, he let out a shudder. He had long forgotten how it felt like to be in the sea. After months at base, he missed being at the sea, carefree.

Back on the sand, Destiny and Lucian remained in embrace.

To Destiny, being in the arms of Lucian has always been comforting.

A few seconds after Alpha went to the sea, Destiny opened one eye. She took a peak at her brother, asking, "Is he in the water yet?"

Lucian looked down at the girl in his arms, confused, "I thought you were in pain?"

Destiny smirked, "I was but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I just thought that it would be a good idea to get Alpha into the water."

"Why you cheeky girl, you almost gave us all an heart attack."

"Well, I am still alive right now aren't I?" Destiny smirked and pushed Lucian slightly backwards. They both stood up and turned to Alpha who's enjoying his time in the sea.

Lucian moved slightly to stand behind Destiny with his hands on her waist, "So what do you wanna do? I'm not letting you use you powers okay?"

Destiny leaned into him, pondering. Then an idea came to her. She turned around and grabbed Lucian's hand. Reaching into her back pocket, she pulled out an iPod and pressed play.

"Dance with me."

The music playing from the iPod was loud and clear. Lucian knew that Destiny was using her powers to magnify the sound but he let it go.

Together, they moved along to the music.

Ever since this group was created, Destiny has always had a hobby of dancing. Whenever she has an emotion she couldn't express, she would try to do it through dancing and every time, it would work. Dancing with someone was what she always longed to do. Now that there's a chance, she wouldn't let go of it easily.

Everyone knew Lucian could dance. Even before he was identified as a demigod.

Lucian was stunned at first. He was shocked that Destiny would actually start dancing in public. Nevertheless, he got out of his shock and started dancing along the music.

The music started out slow at first.

Lucian wrapped his arm around Destiny's waist as they swayed along to the music.

When the music slowly built up into a slight faster pace, Destiny gave Lucian a sly smirk and dropped down into a split.

Lucan chuckled and moved his body to keep up with Destiny. Together, they twisted their bodies along to the music. Not too long later, the music was a fast pace one and the two members of the Phoenix were doing a hip hop routine that they have seen online.

The rest of the Phoenix smiled as they saw their second-in-command with a genuine smile on her face.

The music began to slow down again. By then, the couple had made their way into the water. Lucian wrapped his arms around Destiny as she fell backwards, twirling her up towards him. She placed her hands on his chest as they danced in circles, the waves hitting softly at their feet.

Suddenly, Lucian tightened his grip on Destiny's hips and lifted her into the air. She arched her back with her arms spread wide, welcoming the soft ocean breeze.

Watching the dance, Alpha felt a sense of comfort. The Phoenix was like family. Everyone would give their life to save another. It was a really rare thing to see in the world now. Going through through Tartarus together had strengthen the bond between the members of the Phoenix. Alpha had once struggled to fit in to the group but now that he was comfortably settled in the group, it's time to tell his story.

And that's a new update. It's not much, more like a filler chapter. I promise that there will be more action in the next chapter.
Updates are gonna be very slow as I am again facing a huge examination this year. It would be my last year in high school and this exam will determine whether or not I get to study what I want. So yeah, I would be focusing a lot on my studies but once I'm done, I would try my best to come up with an update schedule and hopefully I would keep to it.
Wish me luck guys.

28 August 2017   3.18pm

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