Chapter Three 💋

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'It took you half an hour to make that? Really Riley?' Michelle complained , raising her eyebrows. ' I could make that easily in five minutes.'

'It takes a while to make something as delicious as this.' I say back to her , smirking as I put the bowl down on the bed.

Michelle grabs a fork then takes the biggest strawberry, smiling , knowing that the strawberry she took was the one I wanted.

'Mmm. It's actually nice. Could use a bit more cream though - ooh and some chocolate.' She remarks , biting into the strawberry.

'Cheeky bitch.' I laugh , whacking her on the head with a pillow.

She screams out in shock , hitting me back with another one.

'I would have came up sooner if it wasn't for James.'

Michelle raised her eyebrows.

'Did youse talk or something..?' Confusion etched in her voice.

'Not really.'

'Why was he down there anyway?'

'Eldon started ringing Emily so he decided to annoy me instead.' I scoffed , rolling my eyes.


'Yeah. He said he liked some girl , he wouldn't say who though.' I say , picking up a strawberry covered in cream and putting it straight in my mouth.

Michelle burst out laughing , 'babe , when isn't he liking some girls and more importantly sleeping with some girls?'

I roll my eyes. 'True.'

Michelle's phone pings. 'Ugh. I swear if it's my dad again asking me where I am , I'm going to flip-.'

She starts laughing.

'What?' I ask her , confused , raising my eyebrows.

'Stephanie King just texted me. She asked if we wanted to go to her party tomorrow.' She smiled , typing out a response.

Stephanie King was one of the most popular girls in our year. Her mom and dad go away quite often on business trips so she always hosts parties at her house.
Stephanie's parties were so good , most of the people in the years above go to them.
Including my brother ,, and his best friend James.

'Should we?' I laugh , taking another bite of the fruit.

'Yess! We have to!' Michelle exclaimed , laughing while she replied to Steph.

'Do you want to sleep at mine tonight?' I asked Michelle even though I knew the answer would be 'duh of course.'

She smiled , 'I might as well.'


Michelle and I spend the rest of our night watching Thirteen Reasons Why. We had already watched up to episode 10 so we had 3 episodes left.

'Oh my gosh , Hannah and Clay deserved better!' Michelle exclaimed , as I put the laptop down on the floor.

'So what are we doing tomorrow then?' I asked , tapping my fingers on the mattress. 'How are you going to get ready?'

'Well you're gonna have to haul ass and get ready first , then we can go to mine so I can get ready.' Michelle rolled her eyes at me.

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