Chapter Eight 💋

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'Riley?' James said , clicking his fingers to draw my attention.

'Erm.. erm , yeah?' I reply , shaking my head in disbelief.

I'm still not sure that James actually likes me , it feels almost surreal.

'Are you okay? You kinda went into a trance.' He laughs as I blush awkwardly.

'I'm fine.' I say quickly , 'Shouldn't you leave so Eldon doesn't see you here - with me?'

He peers round the door , just as my brothers door swings open.

'Yep. See you around.' He says , smiling and walking out of the bedroom.

James POV

I take a deep breath as I walk out of Rileys bedroom , I feel so much better knowing that she knows that I like her.

I just get the feeling she doesn't believe me , which annoys me.

I walk back into Eldon's room and roll my eyes at him.

'Where were you?' He says , putting his phone into his pocket and grabbing his jacket.

'Downstairs.' I lie quickly.

'Right okay.' He says , almost in disbelief. 'Dude , have you seen my wallet?'

I shake my head. 'It might be in Ri's- Riley's room.' I tell him , scanning his room.

He gives me a confused look , 'Why would it be in Rileys room?'

I shrug my shoulders , 'Dunno. Just a guess.'

He shakes his head laughing , 'I'll check in her room then.'

'I'll come with you then.' I say , maybe just a bit too eagerly as James turns around and raises his eyebrows at me.

Eldon walks out of the bedroom and knocks on Rileys door.

'What?' She scoffs as he swings open her door , making it hit the wall next to the bedroom.

'Apparently, I left my wallet in here.'

'Oh yeah.' She says , getting up from her bed where she had been reading , 'It's here on my windowsill.'

'Fuck sake.' Eldon complains as his phone starts ringing.

I turn around and start laughing , 'What's wrong dude?'

'Fuckin' Emily rings me every five minutes.' He scoffs as he answers the phone. 'Hey babe , what's up now?'

I roll my eyes to Riley who sniggers at her older brother.

'James - get my wallet , I'll be here for a while.' Eldon says , walking out of the room and into his.

'Poor guy.' I say , grabbing his wallet from the window.

'What?' Riley answers , sitting back on her bed , continuing her reading.

'I feel sorry for him , Emily's a nightmare.'

She laughs , looking up from her book.

'James..' Riley says , slowly.

'Yeah?' I reply , as she puts her book down.

'You're not bullshitting me about liking me , right?'

'Why would I be bullshitting you?'

'You've liked so many amazing , gorgeous girls. Why would you like me?'

Riley POV -- (because I forgot that I was writing as James)
'Because you're different to them?' He says , edging closer to me.

'You seemed extremely unsure then , you know.' I scoff , checking my phone , 'I've got to go anyway , Michelle's outside.'

I text Michelle back quickly and tell her I'm on my way.

'Wait.' James exclaims , stopping me from getting downstairs. 'Can I at least get your number?'

'Why James?' I laugh , grabbing my purse from the dressing table.

'Because I like you?' He replies , gesturing to my phone in my hand.

I roll my eyes and oblige , 'Be quick.'

He smiles as he types my number into his phone. 'Thanks.'

'Welcome.' I say as I smile back to him.

'You know what?' James says suddenly , 'I'll walk you outside , imma probably call a taxi. Your brother doesn't seem like he's going to hurry up.'

'You don't have to.' I laugh , rolling my eyes.

'Michelle's waiting for you - remember.' James says , grabbing my arm gently and walking me down the stairs.

I open the door and shout 'goodbye' to my parents who were watching TV in the living room.

Hopefully they didn't see me with James and especially James holding onto my arm , they'd flip out if they knew I had gotten with James , considering his reputation around girls.

'What took you so long?' Michelle exclaims , furrowing her eyebrows at me and James as I quickly released his arm from mine.

'Ugh. Eldon couldn't find his wallet and made me look for it.' I lie , it did happen but it wasn't what kept me waiting.

'Bye.' I say to James as he mutters a goodbye to the both of us.

'What was happening between you and him before?' Michelle asks , smirking.

I roll my eyes at her and lie 'Nothing was , nothing at all.'

'Right ,' she says , slowly nodding her head. 'Are you sure you don't like him?'

I scoff , still lying , 'Yes of course.'


I reached 1k reads! I'm extremely made up so thankyou so much!

I have exams in a few weeks so I may not be posting chapters so if I'm inactive - I'll be revising :(

Please keep reading , voting and commenting on the story!!

- Izz xox

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