Chapter Fourteen 💋

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James POV

'Yo! Eldon what are you doing here?' I exclaim as he stands on my porch , getting his breath back from obviously running to mine.

'I'll explain in a m-minute.' He says , coughing , 'I ran here as fast as possible.'

'Why? Is everything okay? Is your family okay? Is R-?' I exclaimed before stopping myself at the end.

'Yeah. Yeah they're all okay , I just need to crash here tonight , I broke up with Emily and I can't be arsed with her drama right now.'

I just laugh and open the door wider so he can get in the house.

'James bro. I'm..really ..erm..sorry. I-I over-reacted about you and Riley , I mean I do want to be mates again , if that's what you want?'

'Yeah , that would be great. Bros , yeah?' I smile , outstretching my hand to him.

He shakes it several times , then laughs , 'Can we go inside now then?'

Rolling my eyes , I walk through the entrance into the kitchen and grab two beers from the fridge.

'Fancy a beer?' I shout , he answers 'Yeah of course.'

I pass him the beer and we sit in awkward silences for several minutes.

'So you coming to Stephanie's valentines party tomorrow then?' I say , finally breaking the ice.

He shrugs his shoulders , 'Dunno. Probably.'

While he scrolled through his Instagram deleting photos of Emily and blocking her , I checked my messages to Riley.


It definitely was but I had to check if she had replied to my last messages.

She didn't reply to any of the messages. I felt like I was being led on.

Only a couple of days ago , she said she loved me but now I wasn't so sure.

She was practically blanking me.

'Riley? You've been fucking texting my sister again?' He spat , eyes glaring at me.

He went absolutely mad.

Eldon was insulting me and saying things that I couldn't even repeat.

Spitting things at me , looking down at me disgusted.

I had to lie to him saying that she texted me asking me to tell Eldon when he was coming home.

He rolls his eyes convinced , 'Tell her I'm staying here tonight.'

'Yeah , fine. I will.'

Riley POV

Eldon had been gone the whole night so I had the house to myself again.

I hated being alone , but with Eldon being so popular and getting invited to so many parties , and mum having to work night shifts - it was something I had to get used to.

Today was Valentine's Day , quite possibly the worst day for me.


happy Valentine's Day!😘😘See u later babe! xx

That was until I got this text message.


Thankyou!! Happy Valentine's Day! X

I really hoped Michelle was willing to talk to me today , I needed someone to stay with me tonight at the party otherwise I won't go.

I rang her several times but they kept going to voicemail each time.


Just great.

I had went to school and was hoping that Michelle would talk to me , or at least or acknowledge me.

'Speak of the devil.' I mutter under my breath as I spot Michelle speed walking towards where I was sitting.

'You wanted to speak to me?' She says , sitting next to me ever so gingerly.

It was almost like she didn't want to sit with me , even if it was entirely her choice.

'Oh yeah.' I say coolly , I knew how to get my best friend back , 'I was thinking of wearing this baggy maroon jumper my nan bought me and maybe my light blue flared jeans? You know to Stephs Valentine's party.'

I wasn't but she didn't need to know that.

She pulled a disgusted face and laughed , 'I'll be over at 4:30 with your outfit.'

I raise my eyebrows , confused.

'I bought this gorgeous Vince Canute lace dress but it doesn't fit me , so I was hoping you'd accept it.'

'Oh my god yes thankyou.' I say , wrapping her in a big hug.

She clearly looks uncomfortable but hugs me back anyway.

'Look , maybe I did over-react about you and -' she lowers her voice , 'James.'

I smile and squeeze her hand , 'It was mostly my fault as well , I should have told you.'

'Don't beat yourself up about it -okay? I'm just happy that you're happy and you've got yourself a boyfriend.'

'Well , he's not my boyfriend but I really like him and you know my brother wouldn't let me date him.'

She bits her lip , 'Sorry about that.'

'It's okay , I'm just glad we're back friends.'


Chapter update whoop whoop!!

Hope everyone enjoys the first two chapters of my oneshot book 📚💛

-Izz x

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