Chapter Seven 💋

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Michelle: 'Wake up you idiot.'

M : wake up

M : wakeup

Me : okay , fgs I'm awake.

M: you were awake you were just reading and ignoring me.

Me : no I wasn't

M: move the book to the end of your bed

I roll my eyes and oblige.

Me: I've done it now , happy?

M: well done Riley.

Me: did you have something important to tell me or did you just want to waste my time?

m: mostly second

Me: I'll be reading my book.

M: put the book down

Me: why do you get so annoyed about me reading books?

M: bcos they're lame.

Me: pretty sure you cried when you read 'fault in our stars'

m: And you didn't?

Me: so not all book r lame then.

M: ughhhhh

Me: so that's a yes then.

M: do you want to come to Starbucks with me later or not?

Me: yeah sure.

M: I'll pick u up at 2 xx

M: enjoy reading one of ur lame books xx

Me: I will xx

I stretch my arms and body for a couple of minutes when I get out of bed. I'd been reading my book for a good couple of hours now , it had now taken its toll on me.

I was so tired from last night , all I did was drink cokes and stay with Michelle but that wasn't why I was tired.

I spent most of the night once I got home tossing and turning in my bed , overthinking about the kiss that nearly happened.

I shouldn't have overthought it ; but I did.

My crush on James started when I was a hopeless freshman , I fell in love with his eyes and his charms.

By sophomore year , several other girls fell in love with more than his charm and he got his reputation.

My crush on him was torn to shreds.

Now , it's trying to make a reappearance in junior year , and I don't need those feelings.

I've just got my life sorted and now my feelings start to ruin everything.

I feel like , if the kiss happened , it could ruin everything for me right now.

Whether I stopped it or not , word travels fast in this school.

I wouldn't want people finding out , I didn't want to be classed as one of those girls.

Especially not the girl whose brother was James' best friend.

I shake the thoughts away and open my bedroom door to go downstairs.

I was about to walk down the stairs when my front collides with another.

'Oww.' I winced - I should have just said nothing and murmured an apology but I had to look up of course , and look straight into those hazel eyes.

'Riley.' James sighs , clenching his jaw. His eyes looked red and tired , he looked confused as to why I was here ; despite this being my house.

'James.' I reply , rolling my eyes , walking past him.

He places his hand on my back , causing shivers down my spine.

'Please stop.' He whispers , pleading me , 'I need to talk to you.'

'Talk then.' I say stubbornly , taking a deep breath.

'Can you not be stubborn?' He complains.

'Fine , then.' I shrug my shoulders , 'What did you want to say?'

'Can we say it somewhere not as open as here.' He says , gesturing to my bedroom.

I raise my eyebrows , confused but I oblige and walk back into my bedroom.

'What did you want?' I say , sitting down on my bed.

'Do you mind if I sit here?' He says , pointing to the space next to me.

'No. No I don't.'

He sits down next to me then slowly says , 'I want to talk about what happened last night.'

'What happened last night?' I say , crossing my arms over my chest.

'Quit being stupid Riley. You know what happened.'

'Yeah , I'm forgetting about it - something you should be doing.'

'We almost kissed , then you walked out on me.' He grunts , raising his eyebrows.

'What was I meant to do? Let you kiss me , then take advantage of me?' I spit , watching James' eyes widen at my words.

I know I shouldn't have insulted him but I wasn't regretting it.

'Do you actually think I'd do that , to you?' He asks , his voice croaky , 'Riley , I wouldn't take advantage of you.'

'James , just forget about it now. Don't you have that crush you should be worrying about now?' I mutter to him , standing up and walking out to the door.

James starts to laugh.

'What's so funny?' I say , slowly , furrowing my eyebrows.

'Riley? Are you actually blind?'

He walks next to me , so that there was only a couple of inches between us now.

I try my hardest to move away from him but my legs wouldn't move.

I cross my arms then say , 'Blind to what?'

He laughs again , 'You're the girl I like.'

Once he says that he smirks then walks out of the room , leaving me in total shock.

James Tordjman likes me.

Well this turned out differently to what I planned - lol.

Hope everyone enjoys this chapter!

I'm sorry that it's quite short , I really didn't know what to write about in this chapter that would be relevant so I kept it like that :)

Please keep reading this story , I'm only on 800 + reads and I've uploaded 7/8 chapters now , it's kinda annoying because I feel like no one actually reads this :(

Izz xo 💗

First we feel then we fall - The Next Step fanfiction 💋Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz