Chapter Sixteen 💋

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[ R I L E Y ]

My worst nightmare became true that day.

'I don't even want to speak to you Riley. I'm disgusted.' Eldon spat , glaring at me.

I've seen my brother annoyed before but this was the worst I've ever seen him.

I was so scared.

He grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me out of the party , 'Oww!' I complained , 'You're hurting me!'

'Well you should have thought about that before you kissed that disgusting person. How dare he kiss you , and Emily for gods sake.'

James ran out of the house , following us , 'You're hurting her! Get off her dude!'

Eldon starts laughing , his eyes glaring at James'.

'And if you think that I'm going to listen to you , you're even more delusional than I thought you were.' Eldon says coldly.

'Look I can't help it if I like your sister man.' James says , stepping closer to me.

I smile and blush , 'Eldon you're over reacting. Do you want me to be happy?'

'Yeah , that's why I'm doing this Riley - to help you!'

'You think by isolating me from the one real person that cares about me , is going to help me? I'm not like you Eldon , I don't make friends easily , never mind boyfriends. You're not my brother - you've changed...'

He takes a deep breath , his eyes glaring icily at me , 'The cab's here now Ri. Get in it.'

I climb in the taxi , trying to work out what Eldon and James were saying , I could obviously tell from their faces that it wasn't a happy conversation or just a bit of banter.

They weren't going to be friends again , and my chances of being happy?

Yep , that's never going to happen.

After a couple of minutes , Eldon came back in the taxi , 'Sorry about that. Had to tell someone about when our test results were due.'

He rolls his eyes as the cab driver laughs , 'Where to then?'

'Ri , pass me your phone , I need to look up something.'

My heart starts beating faster , 'Why can't you do it on your phone?'

Eldon laughs , 'I'm doing it on your phone.'

I take a deep breath and pass it to him , he goes into my messages , finds his name then starts to type.

'I'm still so disgusted in you but I won't snitch on you. However , I'd be nice to me for now on , also stay away from my friends and especially him otherwise I might just have to tell her - and you won't be no sister of mine!'

He passes back the phone and smiles nastily.

'Wow.' I say , under my breath , just loud enough for James to hear.

As soon as we got out of the taxi and we payed him , Eldon stormed off , muttering 'how disgusted he was and how he wanted to kill someone right now.'

'Don't talk to me.' He says coldly , before opening the door. 'Just leave me alone. I don't want to talk to anyone.'

He opens the door , acknowledges my mom then runs to his bedroom.

I follow after him , and walk into the living room.

'Hi mom! How are you?' I smile , hugging her tightly.

That's when I notice the black , shiny Dolce and Gabbana shoes by the carpet.

** absolutetns  LOL I STOLE UR SHOE IDEA :) - the smile didn't auto correct tho! **

'Who's are those?' I say , confused as mom clasped her hands together , 'Surprise!'

I raise my eyebrows , confused as she starts laughing.

'Mike?' She shouts , winking at me , 'Come here , I want you to meet someone!'

A tall , bearded man saunters into the living room where we both where , 'Don't tell me - you're Ri-Ro-Riley?'

I laugh , 'Yeah I am , and you're Mike.'

'Your mom's new boyfriend.' He says , leaning over and clutching her hand and swinging it.

'Soooo..' I say , kind of shocked , 'How long have you been together?'

'Oh probably a couple of weeks - maybe even a couple of months.' Mike says , running his hands through his hair , smiling - showing off his bright , white teeth.

'Oh. When were you planning to tell me? Next year?'

I was pretty upset to say the least - why wouldn't she tell me something so important?

'I was going to tell you , baby girl , I wanted to tell you when it got serious. You know after everything your dad did.'

I sigh and she stands up and hugs me , 'I'm sorry.'

'It's okay. I'm going to go to bed now. Nice meeting you Mike.'

I run upstairs and knock on my brothers door where he's playing Ed Sheerans new album , I can hear him singing along to Galway Girl which makes me laugh.

Knocking on the door , I kept shouting his name , it became obvious after several minutes , he wasn't going to answer me.

'Hi.' I say gingerly as I open his door.

He looks up with a look of disgust - still and laughs.

'Thought I said I didn't want to talk to you. Leave me alone!'

'Please. I just need to talk to you.'

He raised his eyebrows , 'I've talked enough to you , I don't want to talk to you. Leave!'

I take a deep breath , mutter an apology and leave the room.

What a great Valentine's Day.


[ J A M E S ]

It was going so great , perfect almost and now everything's in bits, I've lost Riley , I've lost my best friend.

I waited so long for the kiss , it was going to be special , magical , now it's resulted in me never going near Riley now.

What a great Valentine's Day.

Chapter 16 is up!

Whoop whoop!! Hope everyone enjoys this chapter and if youse like we can all mourn over the death of James n Rileys relationship :)

😘😘- Izz xox

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