Chapter Six 💋

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Me and James quickly pull away from each other as the door swings open.

'We're so sorry!' Slurred two drunken people who were kissing 10 minutes ago on the stairs as they slammed the door tight.

I looked at James then moved away awkwardly , realising that we were seconds away from kissing.

He looks back at me , our eyes both wide and reaches out his hand and places it slowly on my knee.

Clumsily , I stand up and start stuttering , 'I'm going to find Michelle , she probably needs me or something.'

'Please don't go..' He pleads , tilting his head to one side , his eyes glistening in the light.

I take a deep breath , shrug my shoulders sadly , 'I'm sorry.'

I walk out of the room leaving James in the bedroom by himself.

I run down the stairs brushing past people until I fall into my brother who starts laughing at me.

'It would have to be you would it.' I complain , rolling my eyes.

He smirks , grabbing hold of my shoulders till I regain my balance.

'Do you know where James is?' Eldon asks , scanning around the room.

I nod and point upstairs to where he was as my brother smiles and thanks me.

'See you later then.' I say as he runs off.

I look around for Michelle , and decide to walk into the kitchen where all the food was , the most likely place for Michelle to be.

'Michelle?' I say , walking up to her and squeezing her shoulders.

She turns around , her jaw clenched and her head shaking in anger.

'Oh my god what's up?' I ask , suddenly worried.

'We're leaving.' She says slowly , grabbing me by the arm.

'Wait.' I stay , releasing her grip on my arm. 'Do you want to explain why we're leaving?'

'Hunter's there.' She says , taking angry deep breaths. 'With his slut of a girlfriend.' She then adds. 

Michelle and Hunter used to be best friends then they decided to date each other , they had dated since they were eleven up to last month. Michelle found out that he was cheating and vowed never to even look in his direction.

'Do we have to go now though?' I complain. 'Come on Michelle , don't let him ruin your night.'

'Ugh fine.' She sighs as I start to smile. 'But if he even comes near me-'

'We're leaving?' I finish her sentence , smirking.

'Yeah.' She says rolling her eyes.

We spent most of the night in the party , me sitting on the counter top or standing behind Michelle as she walked round talking to whoever she could.

James caught my eye a couple of times.

He was sitting on a couch drinking a can of beer talking to people in his year , every so while looking for me and smiling once he had.

Michelle didn't question me staying with her the rest of the night so I stayed close to her , staring down at my cup to avoid James' eye and awkward conversations.

Eventually , after greeting almost every single person at the party , Michelle grew weary.

Whether it was the fact that she had consumed a hell of a lot of alcohol or that it was near enough 5 am , I don't know.

All I know that I had to get her out of the party before she asked for more drinks.


We waited for a while for the taxi to get here as we weren't going to get Michelle's mom to pick us up at this time.

When it finally got there , we both got in the taxi and we sat in silence both checking our phones on either Instagram or Snapchat.

A notification popped up from Eldon ;

Eldon : hey sis r u still at the party?

me : nope we're just leaving.

Eldon : can me and James get in the taxi with you?

me: rolling eyes emoji.

Eldon : is that a yes or no?

me : lol no sorry.

Eldon : sly bitch. middle finger emoji.

me : extremely classy.

me : I mean you could if you were paying for all of us to get home.

Eldon : Fine. We'll find our own way home.

me : yeah ok.

'Who you texting?' Michelle slurs , looking over my shoulder.

'Just Eldon.' I sigh , showing her the texts. 'Him and James wanted a lift home.'

She laughs , 'We're not letting them though , are we?'

I raise my eyebrows at her , 'Of course not.'

'I was just thinking then, ' Michelle starts , smirking at me.

'Wow. You don't normally, this is such a surprise.' I add , sarcastically.

'Where were you when you apparently 'went the toilet' because you took an extremely long time.' Michelle says , shoving me in the ribs. 'I mean it doesn't take that long.'

I sigh , my mind squirming wondering what I'm meant to tell her.

She is my best friend after all , she deserves to know what happened - just not every detail.

'Well. I saw James and he-erm, needed a bit of cheering up so that's what I did..' I stutter , looking out of the window , ignoring Michelle's glances.

She nodded her head simultaneously.

'That's extremely strange.' She says , 'Is that all that happened?'

I think about it for a second , I know she's my best friend but I really don't want her to know about the attempted kiss.

It still feels weird ; almost like it didn't happen.

I'm just glad that it didn't.

'Yeah.. that's all that happened.'

That's the end of chapter six!💓

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and the bit of suspense 😜😉

Please keep reading this story!💜

-- Izz xox

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