Chapter Seventeen 💋

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'So where were you last night? You completely left me!!' Michelle complains , sipping her latte.

'If I tell you , I feel like you won't believe me.' I say , biting my lip.

My head was pounding , I don't know whether it was to do with the fact that I cried all night long or that I found my moms vodka - probably both.

'Try me!' She laughs , 'You look really unwell , have you got a hangover?'

I rub my head , 'Yeah , probably.'

'Ooh!! I like this new Riley , where has she been?'

'Well 'this new Riley' found her mom's stashes of wine and vodka and drank them so she'd forget about the fact that her brother walked in to her and her brothers best friend making out.' I say , exasperated.

I was disgusted having to hear myself say that sentence.

I felt so sick , so tired. I honestly don't know what to do.

Michelle's mouth drops , 'oh my god.' she finally says , 'Eldon walked in to see you , actually , like for real life , making out with his best friend?'

'I don't know what's worse the fact that you don't believe me or that you're laughing about it. It's not funny , I got dragged out of the party , screamed at by Eldon and I'm not allowed to go anywhere near James now.' I complain , I was already super annoyed , I didn't need Michelle to make me feel worse.

She rolls her eyes at me , 'God , I was only trying to make you laugh.'

'That worked well - didn't it?' I say sarcastically , taking a sip of my coffee.

[ J A M E S ]

Last night started awfully , began to get better then ended in the worse way possible.

Any chances I have with Riley?


Any chances I have with Eldon?

God , you must be joking.

Zilch. None. No chance.

All I could think about was that kiss , the way Rileys lips were on mine , the way we didn't want to let go , draw breath.

We could have had the best night , of course we weren't going to do anything else except that kiss - so Eldon's reaction was a bit over the top.

He's always been like that though , protective over his little sister.

Rileys a year below me and Eldon , it's not like she's 3 years below.

I can't move on from her though , it's going to be impossible.

[ R I L E Y ]

I felt so sick during our mine and Michelle's meet up , I had to go home.

'Look , I'm really sorry. My heads killing and so's my stomach. Michelle I honestly just need to go home and go to bed.'

She clicks her tongue and shrugs her shoulders , 'Go then , I'll text Steph , see if she wants to hang out with her new best friend - me!'

I raise my eyebrows , 'New best friend?'

She smirks , and looks over her shoulder proud.

Bitchy proud.

Michelle flicks her hair , so it cascaded down her back.

If i tried to do that , I'd look like a hot mess , Michelle just looks hot.

'Ohhh yeah , you know since you abandoned me , I started talking more to her , finds out we have more in common than I thought we did.'

'Cool.' I say , for some weird reason , I start to feel panicky.

I thought my panic attacks would have stopped by now , that's what I thought.

But all of a sudden , they're coming back.

And why?

Because my pretentious 'best friend' wants to have another equally as pretentious new friend.

Come on Riles , you're better than that.

You're better than her , you don't need her.

You don't need anyone.

I don't deserve anyone...

'Riley? Riley? Ugh.. Riley!!! You never listen to me. That's so annoying.' She complained , 'Didn't you want to go?'

'Yeah , I'm sorry.. I-I I really am..' I apologise , several times.

She just shrugs her shoulders , 'Whatever , I guess.'


I was finally back home , I lost track the amount of times I apologised to Michelle.

I didn't need to apologise to her.

I just wanted everything to go back to the way it was when I first met James.

Back to when I didn't like him , back to when him and Eldon were best friends , back to when all Michelle was bothered about was her best friend , not popularity.


Hey :) I miss u xx


I miss u loads xo


I miss you too x


That's chapter 17!

Sorry it's so short , I've just been back to school so my schedules been super hectic!

Please don't forget to comment , vote and read this book 😘

Izz 🖤

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