Chapter Twelve 💋

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At 9:03 , something hit my bedroom window.

Shocked , I gingerly walked over to the window and peered out.

There was James on his bike , grinning up at me.

'Open the window.' He shouted , pointing to it.

I smile , leaning over and opening it.

'Is this my surprise?' I laugh ,

He winked , 'I'm glad you liked it to be honest , I wasn't sure whether you would.'

'Who wouldn't like someone riding 4 and a half miles to talk to someone?' I gush , and then it hit me.

I finally realised properly.

I liked him , I liked him loads. When I realise my feelings for him , I have to stay away from him.

I take a deep breath , not quite ready to say it , 'I like you James.'

He starts laughing , which isn't the response I was hoping for.

'You decide to fancy me , after I've been told I can't speak to you properly. He doesn't want me around you anymore. I can't even come to your house , he's only allowed to come to mine. Riley - you've made this so awkward now. You knew I liked you before - absolutely ages ago , why have you only realised these feelings now? It hurt Riley , knowing you knew I liked you and you just ignored them feelings. It hurt so much , I tried hard , waiting for you to say it too. It's too late now.'

I stand there speechless.

'I-I-I'm sorry.'

'Sorry? Sorry's not going to do anything. It's too late for that now, you messed with my feelings too long.'

I start to cry.

James notices and smiles slightly.

'Goodnight Riley Raymond. I'll see you in history tomorrow I guess.'

I watch him ride off on his bike , now sobbing.

I messed with his feelings , I just wish I told him at the start.

'Goodbye James Tordjman.' I whisper to myself.

I just needed to fall asleep and almost forget about this night.


Me and Michelle walked to school , she was talking all about a new dress she had bought from River Island.

I listened to her but I didn't reply - I was way too preoccupied thinking about James.

'Riley? Riley? Ugh , Riley!?.' Michelle shouted , obviously irritated.

'What?' I say slowly , raising my eyebrows.

'You've been so distracted. I'm pretty sure you stood in dog poo-'

I quickly check my soles as Michelle sniggers.

Glaring at her , I raise my eyebrows.

'I've been busy , with someone , that's all.'

'Doing what , with who?' She laughs ,

'James Tordjman.' I say , carefully looking ahead - ignoring Michelle's eyes.

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