Chapter Ten 💋

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I turn off my alarm at 6:15.

I'd already snoozed it 3 times and I knew it would end up in a cycle if I didn't turn it off right now.

I couldn't bear anymore late marks from my ruthless form teacher or anymore sly glances and giggles from when I get to form , sweaty and with a heaving chest from running to the classroom.

Quickly , I run into the shower and start to wash myself.

Eldon is normally the first one in the shower but somehow I managed to beat him to it.

I get out of the shower and get dressed in my ugly school uniform.

I've tried changing my uniform , hitching the skirt up high and customising it with coloured buttons and pins.

I eat my breakfast and wait for Michelle.

We've walked together to school for years now - pretty much as long as I imagine.

The door knocks at 8 and I open the door. Michelle gives me a tight hug as we both shout goodbye to my mom and slam the door shut.

'Your hairs , erm.. different.' Michelle laughs as I run my hand through my messy hair.

'Ugh. Do you have a brush?' I complain , trying to get my hair unstuck from my hair.

She rolls her eyes and passes me a brush , 'Can you at least walk and brush your hair? We're going to be really late , you know!'

'Fine.' I say , finally brushing my hair. 'Race you to the bottom of the street?'


Me and Michelle arrive to school in time - somehow.

Since I'm in a more advanced set than Michelle's , I don't really see her in lessons which is unfair considering right now , she has art and I'm in History.

My history teacher drones on and on about civil wars and I was starting to fall asleep when there was a knock on the door.

'What do you want?' Mr Flannigan says in the same sarcastic tone he uses while talking about anything not to do with history.

'Hi. So apparently I'm meant to be in your class - just until I get better at history.' He says ,

Mr Flannigan rolls his eyes at the person then says scanning the class quickly , 'Sit by Riley. You can either read through a textbook for now.'

He sits down next to me and as I was taking notes from the computer slide - I didn't notice who it was.

'Hey Ri . The chances of us sitting next to each other.'  He laughs as Mr Flannigan shoots him a glare to shut up.

'Yeah. I know.' I reply , quietly so Sir doesn't hear.

It was like the universe was trying to kill me.

Every time I try to avoid him or get him out of my mind , he has to pop up.

And now , I'm stuck sitting next to him.

Months ago , I would have been in love with the idea of sitting next to the schools heartthrob - now I'm not so sure.


After 35 more minutes of history then an hour of English , I finally met up with Michelle.

We sat at our picnic bench , secluded from the rest of the school and talked about our morning up to now.

'Guess who I have to sit next to in history?' I say , rolling my eyes.

'Dunno. Who?'

'James Tordjman.'

Michelle's eyes light up and she starts to laugh.

'You like him , I know you like him.' Michelle says as I start to blush.

'I don't.'

'You're blushing.' She smirks as I place my hands over my cheeks , 'It's so obvious. I mean you flaked on me to go with him , that's gotta be a sign.'

I sigh , 'I don't know. I think I like him and I'm not so sure if he likes me.'

Michelle starts laughing , 'Oh he definitely likes you.'

Raising my eyebrows in disbelief, I say , ' I doubt he would.'

James POV

I sit in the cafeteria alone waiting for Eldon to hurry up talking to Emily.

I'm pretty convinced she controls him now , she's so bitchy and it's hilarious to watch Eldon struggle to keep her happy.

'I swear to god , I'm going to flip.' He complains when he sits on the table next to me.

'Emily - again?' I say , rolling my eyes.

'Yeah.' He moans , 'I mean , I'm her boyfriend but I wish I wasn't sometimes.'

I scoff. 'Why?'

'All I want to do is make out with her and just have fun. Not get bossed about , or have to say 'i love you' everytime I see her.'

He practically gags after saying 'I love you'.

'Wow.'  I say , flatly , my attention drawn to Stephanie who is obviously trying to flirt with me from across the room.

James looks at where my attention was fixed on and laughs loudly.

'Stephanie definitely likes you. Get with her - she's fit.'

I roll my eyes at him.

'I don't like her though.'

'Argh . Come on man, it's been a while since you've had a girl , you've got to have your eye on someone.'

I take a deep breath and lie , 'Eldon. I don't like anyone.'

If he did find out that I like his little sister , I'm 100% sure it won't end well.

He has a habit of getting way too annoyed if things don't go his way or something happens to his family.

Eldon can't find out that I like her , it will ruin everything.

If I do go out with Riley , I'd have to keep it secret.

That's exactly the opposite of what I want.

He rolls his eyes. 'Okay , you bore.'

'You'll never guess who I have to sit next to in history.' I say , pretending to be irritated.

'Who?' Eldon says , shrugging his shoulders.

'Your sister.'

He looks confused and laughs 'Man , she's a year younger than us.'

'Yeah I know that you melt. Miss McCarthy is making me spend a couple of weeks with your sisters top set class so I can 'master history'.'

He laughs loudly , making everyone turn and look at us.

'That's why I chose Spanish.'

'Aren't you failing Spanish?'

'Oui.' He says cockily.

'That's French , you fucking dipstick.'


The conversation that Eldon and James are having about Spanish is actually the conversation two of of my friends were having a couple of days ago lol 😂😭

Hope everyone enjoys this chapter!💛X

- Izz xo

First we feel then we fall - The Next Step fanfiction 💋Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang