convinced she is the wrong girl

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Yoko kasumi, her elder twin sister imako kasumi and her best friend miyazaki kisaki are always seen together in rikkaidai.

One day, yanagi sees three of them together in the canteen. they are chatting happily as usual. yanagi observes them closely.

~2 days later~
This is totally contrary to yanagi's usual data self but he is gradually having romantic feelings around yoko. he looks at her but she does not believe she is good enough for him. she shows him a piece of paper she takes from her locker.

The paper has yes and no questions with boxes for ticking.
1.did you mix me up for my elder twin sister imako and/or my best friend miyazaki? tick yes for this
2.did you get the wrong girl? tick yes for this
3.did you see wrongly? tick yes for this
4.your data about the person you like is inaccurate correct? tick yes for this i a burden to you? tick yes for this i the least beautiful, ugliest, least adorable and least cute girl you have ever seen? tick yes for this will not want me as your future girlfriend correct? tick yes for this
8.i do not meet your expectations correct? tick yes for this will not like me as more than a friend even if i am the last girl on earth correct? tick yes for this it true i am only a substitute for other girls in our school? tick yes for this i just a prototype of your ideal type? tick yes for this i just your test subject for love? tick yes for this think of me as your older sister or mother correct? tick yes for this romance terms, do you stay sane when you look at me? tick yes for this romance terms, does your mind not go blank when you look at me? tick yes for this romance terms, do your eyes only see me? tick no for this romance terms, is there only me in your heart? tick no for this will only like me as a friend even if i am the last girl on earth right? tick yes for this
19.if there are any other questions, write them and tick yes or no accordingly to what I want please

Yanagi sees the piece of paper in her locker and writes some questions related to this matter and does not tick any of the answers she asks for but all the opposite options. yoko is in a state of shock and tells him "that is wrong, i am not the right girl for you, you should like my elder twin sister imako, my best friend miyazaki or other girls in our school or in the universe, not me. also, you just care for me like your mother and older sister. sorry for coming into your life, proving your data wrong and ruining the orderliness of your life. lastly, in romance terms, your eyes should see any other girl and your heart should have any other girl." after that, yoko runs away to the willow tree along the river and hides behind it and looks at the river with the lotus until she is sure yanagi cannot see her.

After seeing the paper and hearing yoko's words, yanagi goes to the bench in front of the tennis court to calm down after witnessing this unbelievable reaction and scene where he sees marui and yukimura. yanagi tells them what happened. yukimura tells yanagi that yoko is shocked while marui just chews his gum and says yoko is just like that.

After hearing yukimura, yanagi runs off to find yoko. he finally sees yoko hiding behind the willow tree and crying, he can't bear to see yoko like that. he comes to comfort yoko. yoko looks up at him and he tells her, "yoko-chan i need to talk to you." when yoko hears yanagi, she stops crying and looks up at him nervously. he tells her,"i saw the piece of paper and heard your words. do you know how i felt after i heard them?" yoko shakes her head. he tells her," i was distressed after hearing that." yoko says to him"sorry." he tells her,"no, it's not your fault but i will tell you thst no matter how many questions you write on that piece of paper, i will stick to my answers for all of them, even if i know you will want me to tick your answers for all of them, i can't ever bring myself to do that." yoko asks "why can't you?" he tells her "i feel something is wrong if you do not come into my life, it goes against my data and messes up the orderliness of my life." yoko asks"do you mean that you feel something is wrong if i do not come into your life, it will prove your data wrong and make your life disorganised?" he says "yes it will." she says "sorry i know how much you dislike having your data proven wrong and your life not being organised but i truly feel that there are many errors and misunderstandings especially in the fact that you mixed me up for someone else, got the wrong girl and saw wrongly yanagi senpai because i am convinced that i will forever and always be the wrong girl for you yanagi senpai so you should not waste your time on me and find a girl from our school or any girl in the universe who fulfills your criteria and forget that i ever existed in your life. please do not like me out of pity and do tell me you will reject me to see any other girl in your eyes and have any other girl in your heart in romance terms." yoko cries and sadly walks away from him, leaving yanagi to steady himself against his locker.

Yanagi cannot bear to see yoko cry and/or be sad so he grabs her wrist and stops her. he says"what if i do not want to reject you, cannot see any other girl in my eyes and cannot have any other girl in my heart in romance terms?" yoko stammers,"w...what do you mean, you should senpai b...because i am not your level and will delay and mess up your life and love life forever." he tells her," what?", then he says again "what are you talking about yoko-chan, i have never ever thought of it that way ever since i knew you because it is totally not the case. my data says you are totally wrong. in fact, it is the exact opposite because without you, my life and love life will delay and be messed up as i cannot predict my life without you in it. yoko-chan, you are not my level, you have exceeded my level and my expectations as i cannot see any other girl in my eyes in romance terms, i only think about you and i cannot forget you no matter how, what, where, when, who and why, i cannot have any other girl in my heart and no i have never liked you out of pity because i refuse to pity you. i will give everything to win you over because i'm scared of losing you. there are no errors of other types in the other questions you will write if you think of them, your other questions you will write and have listed i disagree with them and i did not mix you up for someone else such as your best friend. neither did i get the wrong girl, i did not see you wrongly as your sister or my sister or worse still my mother and the other girls in our school and in the universe are not a substitute for you. you are not a burden and are worth more than anything i have, except my data. you are not just a prototype for my ideal type, you are my ideal type. you are not just a test subject for love, you are actually love, yoko-chan. also, i will not like you as a friend if you are the last girl on earth, i will love you if you are the last girl on earth because i actually love you. i will say the exact opposite of every other listed questions and other questions you will list. you will forever and always be the only one i sense and be convinced that is not the wrong one for me yoko-chan because meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice but falling in love with you was beyond my calculations."

Yoko asks him "are you lying?" he tells her "it is certainly the truth." yoko tells him" but i feel that a few of the reasons i am the wrong girl for you because i feel i am not pretty, beautiful, adorable or cute enough for you yanagi senpai and i fail to fulfill your criteria of your ideal girl. other reasons i feel that way is due to my inferiority complex and i really do not know why i view myself this way, must have been my previous boyfriend in the past."

Yanagi tells her "you don't need to address me as senpai, please just call me by name." yoko says "um, renji san you understand what i just told you right?" he tells her "yes yoko-chan, i do and i am here to tell you that you are all four of the things you think you aren't especially cute because i think you are the cutest girl i have ever seen and you completely fulfill my criteria yoko-chan." yoko says "you really think that way?" he says "yes." yanagi tells her, " i do not understand where your inferiority complex comes from as you are the best girl i have ever seen and your previous boyfriend is stupid to discard you and mistreat you so don't worry i will not treat you like a toy to throw around, play with your heart or abuse you ok?" yoko brightens up after hearing this and says "renji san thanks." he tells her "anything for you yoko-chan since you have proven my data right."

Yanagi looks at yoko and says "yoko-chan i have something else to say to you." yoko asks "renji san, is something the matter?" he tells yoko "yoko-chan i know i keep beating around the bush about this but will you be my girlfriend?" yoko stammers"y...yes, i will renji san."

He smiles at yoko and hugs her. he says to yoko"i don't want to let you go yoko-chan." yoko says "me too, even though i thought i had no chance of ever being with you because you are so handsome, smart, precise and intuitive while i am just an ordinary girl who never ever gets noticed by anyone especially not guys." yanagi tells her "why will you ever think that, you are better than every girl i have ever known so guys should notice you as you're the most beautiful girl i have ever seen so rest assured and i believe that you shouldn't allow yourself to think of yourself in such a manner yoko-chan." yoko says "yes thanks renji san."

Yoko is happy that yanagi genuinely loves her and yanagi feels that he genuinely loves yoko too.

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