break off our engagement

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Last night, takayama kanako had a dream of yanagi asking for her hand in marriage and she ran away in a corner to cry. she was really frightened of that dream and couldn't sleep because she knew the same thing would happen in reality. she tried to shake it off.

Yanagi came home and saw her pale face. He asked"is everything ok?" she said"senpai, it's fine." however he saw through it and said"100% chance you are pretending it is fine." she says"how do you know?" he says"you don't look well at all." she says"really, it must be because the weather was too hot today." he says"but your face doesn't suggest that." she says"then what does it suggest?" he says"100% chance it suggests that you are frightened of something happening very soon." she says"you are correct, how did you find out?" he says"it is because lately i had almost the same dream as you except that you accepted it."

She says"how is it possible that in your dream i accepted it and in mine i didn't and ran away crying." he says"100% chance you are scared of it in reality." she says"how do you conclude that?" he says"because i have prepared for this occasion already."

She is shocked to hear that and says"prepared...? could it be...?" he says"yes it is, i prepared to ask you to be engaged to me today." she couldn't believe what she just heard and says"senpai, you got your facts mixed up right?" he says"the chance of that happening is 0%." she says"then sorry to break it to you, but i cannot accept your hand in marriage." she runs away crying exactly like her dream he says"why not?" she says"it is because i am not the point x on a treasure map." he says"yes you are." she says"there are 2 other people with the same surname as me because i accidentally walked past your desk and saw 2 more sets of notes with the surname takayama so it isn't me, i'm very sorry if i spied on the covers of your notes but no worries i only saw the covers." he says"you do not need to apologise, after all walking past my desk and seeing the cover of my notes is 100% normal."

He says"how do you know it isn't you i want if you did not even flip open the covers of my notes?" she says"it is because in my opinion, my value isn't high enough." he says"i don't think so but i will tell you the conclusion anyway." she says"what conclusion?" he says"the conclusion from my three sets of notes." she says"and what is the conclusion senpai?" he says"the conclusion is that even if all three sets of notes have the surname takayama, you are the right takayama, takayama kanako." she says"no, no please tell me it is hinata or hanako." he says"sorry to disappoint you, it is neither of them, i checked my facts 3000 times before coming to this conclusion."

She says"why me senpai, they are better than me in every way, i am nothing special." he says"that may be true but i can't help but be attracted to you because you do things beyond my predictions." she says"like what?" he says"you are not like the typical fan girls who confess their love to me." she says"how is that surprising?" he says"it is because those fans only like me because of my master and professor reputation while you did not." she says"that means they outrightly admire you while i don't. if that is the case, you should be with them including hinata and hanako as everyone outrightly admires your fame and reputation." he says"i don't like it at all." she says"why do you dislike the fangirls who have confessed their love for you?" he says"it is because of their annoying voices and statements." she says"such as?" he says"those who say things showing they like me for the sake of it."

He says"you didn't do any of that and got to know the real me. I am indebted to you." she says"so that was the differentiating factor between me and every other girl?" he says"yes it is and i know those few fangirls who cite me as their ideal type have annoying behaviour such as comparing me to be more handsome than others." she says"that is complimenting you directly, i don't see a problem." yanagi says"it is i don't like being compared to."

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