low self esteem

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Suirou did not feel she was good enough after she was dumped by a jerk so she forgot what it is like to be desirable to guys.

One day, suirou calls her friend reiko and asks her for help. reiko tells suirou"my birthday is on saturday which is tomorrow, do you want to come?" suirou says"but i have nothing suitable to wear and where is it?" reiko says"it is at my house but don't worry there is nothing crazy there and i hear that our top student of our level yanagi renji is going to be there." suirou says"really but is it ok for me to talk to new guys just after my breakup three days ago?" reiko says"suirou, you have been sad for far too long. you normally get over things in half a day so three days is far too long, come on."

Suirou says"ok then i don't mind since i like talking to new guys anyway but why would yanagi renji come?" reiko says"because even he needs to let loose every once in a while and that's the spirit, come on i will buy a new outfit for you, meet me outside the mall across the road from my house." suirou says"ok give me ten minutes and i will join you." reiko says"sure." suirou changes into a loose boy cut tiffany blue powerpuff girls t shirt and black knee length sports looking shorts and joins suirou.

Reiko says"at least you didn't give up your sense of self when you dated that jerk, come on let's go." suirou says"ok coming." reiko chooses an ice pink rayon midthigh short sleeve dress and mint blue platforms. reiko says"come on suirou, please choose an outfit for my birthday party, after all you know yourself best." suirou says"true true. ok, i'll choose one too but don't expect too much." suirou chooses an ice blue straight cut knee length skirt, a white short sleeve button down shirt, an optic white blazer and powder blue closed toe kitten heels.

Reiko and suirou compare their outfits and reiko pays for them. suirou says"sorry for making you buy them for me reiko." reiko says"this is nothing compared to how it will help you later on." suirou says"what do you mean reiko?" reiko says"you're sure to attract attention of guys with that outfit, it is so pleasant." suirou says"but your outfit is subtly sexy without being trashy that all the guys will look at you." reiko says"everyone except yanagi renji, he likes conservative people and things, especially colours and styles so you will attract the attention of the yanagi renji who knows yanagi renji may even fall for you." suirou says"no what is more likely to happen is that yanagi renji will change his mind after they see you as you'll attract all the attention and none of the guys there will notice me, i will be a better looking wallflower at best so it's no use."

Reiko says"come on have more confidence suirou, where is that girl who had more confidence before you unfortunately dated that jerk, be her ok?" suirou says"ok reiko i'll try." reiko says"ok thanks suirou." suirou says"by the way, you're not yanagi renji's type right?" reiko says"i told him about the party and said to him that the girl he thought about since i told him would be there, he obliged." suirou says"he means it could be either you or me reiko but it is most likely you reiko as you are single and sexy." reiko says"no suirou, i'm most likely not yanagi renji's type." suirou says"how do you know that?" reiko says"because when i told him about the party, he had this expression which suggested that it was either one of us." suirou says"it could be anyone else in our school, you are inviting many girls right?" reiko says"yes but from his expression, he is not interested in any of the other girls who are coming to the party, let alone the rest of the girls in our school and two of the girls in our school have boyfriends outside our school already." suirou says"that can't be, how can he not be interested in any other girl in our school reiko?" reiko says"the twinkle in his eyes did not show in any other direction except ours so it must be one of us as i am single too suirou."

Suirou says"yes reiko, that's why i think it's you." reiko says"i don't know suirou, you can ask him at the party tomorrow to clarify your doubts ok?" suirou says"ok reiko, thanks a lot." reiko says"no problem, besides i like guys like marui so yeah, yanagi renji is free for you to consider as none of the other single girls on earth and in the universe stand a chance as yanagi renji considered all of them and told all the girls he has ever seen to stop trying which means those girls have to find others and the other six who like rikkai tennis members have stuck to their choices of liking the remaining members and i won't snatch him as i am not the type of girl who will compete with girls for guys so i won't snatch guys from anyone so you are free to consider yanagi renji as he is not my type at all don't worry, i'll support your new relationship." suirou says"if it happens." reiko says"cheer up, i'm sure it will, just don't think about it anymore and wait till tomorrow ok?" suirou says"ok sure." reiko says"see you suirou bye." suirou says"bye bye reiko, i hope you get together with marui tomorrow too." reiko says"sure suirou see you." after that, both suirou and reiko head home.

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