i tried to forget my feelings but it wasn't successful

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Lili told me the person i love is her identical younger twin sister mimi not her but i just couldn't forget her and my feelings for her when she told me that. the probability of mistaking mimi for her should be 0%.

Mimi has a personality like that of the moon just like me and while i appreciated the identicalness of it and lotuses/water lilies look romantic in the moonlight, i felt that there was not enough optimism in my life so i couldn't truly love her.

Lili however is the complete opposite as she is just like the sun and i really need that positive energy that radiates from her as i am a water lily and/or lotus that needs sunlight too.

Even if i know that they are identical twins, they are different in personality even if they both are calm enough for the willow part of my name.

One day, lili asked me how my realtionship with her twin sister mimi was going so far. lili said to me"everything is alright with mimi right?" i said to her"no not really, though i have tried to hide my feelings of sadness." lili asked"what do you mean, is mimi not right for you because her personality is identical to yours so i don't see a reason why you are sad because by right, your relationship with her should be 100% perfect."

Yanagi told me"that is true lili but i am a water lily and/or lotus that needs a lot of sunlight too but i cannot get that from her, i'm sorry." lili was shocked when she heard this. she said"mimi looks better than me though even if we are both neither popularity queens nor smart people." she said"you should be with her not me as she is younger and feels the need to be loved more than i do."

Yanagi said"lili do you know that i only liked mimi so that i could use that as a way of trying to forget my true feelings for you?" lili said"what? why would you do that, she is the right one for you, not me."

Yanagi said"i tried treating her as you and viewing you as her but i was only deceving myself." lili said"yes we are identical twins but you did not need to do that." he said"lili do you know that all this time i only liked mimi so that i could try erasing your existence and presence from my life entirely but it didn't go as planned 100%."

Lili said"yes i get it i was able to erase my feelings too as soon as i knew that you liked mimi but i did not think that it would come to this where i could erase your existence and presence from my mind but i couldn't get why you couldn't erase my existence and presence from your mind when you were with mimi."

Yanagi says"lili the truth is i never ever loved mimi though i acknowleged her existence and presence but i acknowledged it much less than yours, it was you from the beginning and it will forever and always be you because you are like the sun which i need." she says"what does your data tell you?" he says"it is you lili, i need you lili and actually love you lili so i have no choice but to apologise to mimi, sorry." she says"fine but please do not hurt mimi's feelings for she has been hurt by past relationships and cannot take sudden rejections well so tell her slowly or indirectly ok?"

Yanagi says"yes lili i will." he finds mimi and approaches her. he tells her"mimi i'm sorry because although we are identical in personality, i believe there is someone who will love you more than me." mimi asks"really who?" he says"one of the other two demons yukimura." mimi says"really?" he says"yes because he needs a calm person like you to complement him." mimi says"ok i will find him to confirm this, sorry yanagi for making you like me as a way to forget your feelings for my older twin sister lili. it is true i realised we are too similar and our relationship wouldn't last anyway so i am okay, thanks for sparing my feelings yanagi. please go to my twin sister now and promise to take care of her because she too has been hurt by past relationships even if she moved on excellently without showing any signs of sadness or regret ok? i will go find yukimura now." yanagi says"ok please do."

Mimi goes to find yukimura. yukimura says"there you are mimi, i've been looking all over for you." mimi says"not lili?" yukimura says"no. when you were with yanagi, the exact same situation that happened between you and yanagi happened betwen lili and i so this means fate tricked us but the truth is i like you mimi, so please be my girlfriend." yukimura stroked her hair and mimi says"yes i will." yukimura kisses mimi on the lips.

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