secret admirer

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One morning, kimura goes to her locker and sees a few small pieces of paper. She is curious and sees them.

The first one says-
Dear kimura,
the wind that passes by me every morning feels as cooling as the breeze where the willow tree is and smell as sweet as sakura petals. You're heavenly.
Your secret admirer

The second one says-they say all roads lead to rome right? Well, why does every path i take lead to you everyday, you must be rome.
Your secret admirer

The last one says-this one will tell me where i am. Meet me at the place just above our practice sessions. I will be holding something as usual but it is not what is used for reading or commonly taking notes.
Your secret admirer

Kimura looks at the three notes carefully when her younger sister kaylee walks to her and says"ooh you have a secret admirer, who is it?" kimura says"that's the problem, i don't know who it is, do you have any idea who it can be?" kaylee says"not exactly sure who the exact person is but the person must be a logical, rational and analytical guy who likes you." kimura says"i have three questions kaylee." kaylee says"what are they?" kaylee says"what is it?" kimura says first question"how can you tell it is a logical, rational and analytical person?" kaylee says"most people usually write mushy notes like i am lost in your eyes or stuff like that, while logical people only use those lines written on your notes as pickup lines." second question"how can you tell it is a guy, not a girl?" kaylee says"because this is a guy's handwriting and the content is not what girls will write." kimura says"but girls can pretend to have handwriting of guys right?" kaylee says"true but it is difficult to imitate so it is a guy." last question"how can you tell he likes me?" kaylee says"why else would he send those notes to you secretly?" kimura says"he may just be a person with a shy personality." kaylee says"no, typical shy people do not write such things on a normal basis, guys who are just friends with girls do not see girls this way or describe them like that so no doubt about it, he likes you kimura."

Kimura says"what do i do now kaylee?" kaylee says"i suggest you do what the third note says and meet him during break time." kimura says"nothing bad will happen right?" kaylee says"no this guy seems nice as his notes are gentle, he won't hurt you, don't worry." kimura says"i am scared of the outcome once i go and meet him kaylee." kaylee says"it will be fine, you're thinking too much." kimura says"ok, i will follow what the note says, break time is third period, ok i'll go."

At third period, kimura eats her rice and miso soup then looks at the third note. Kimura thinks:he is at the stadium steps, ok i'll go there now.

Kimura sees someone holding a clipboard at the stadium steps and she is shocked. Kimura says"my third note says my secret admirer will be above the practice sessions holding something, is it you?" the guy says"yes it is me yanagi renji, couldn't you tell?" kimura says"no kaylee said it was a logical, rational and analytical guy but she couldn't tell me exactly who it was." yanagi says"there is no one more logical, rational and analytical than me, 100% chance you thought there were others like me when you heard kaylee." kimura says"yes you are the most logical, rational and analytical person in our school and you can see through me, arghh." yanagi says"you are the second most logical, rational and analytical person on our school kimura. yes i can and yes i sent you those notes and put them in your locker yesterday kimura." kimura says"how do you know my locker number, i didn't tell you." yanagi says"data can tell so i guessed it." kimura says"you're so smart, i can't compete with you at this so i give up." yanagi says"haha." kimura says"what's so funny?" yanagi says"nothing, you're just a funny girl." kimura says"thanks yanagi."

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