it will always be you no matter what

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Miriam and her two sisters rose and olive are buying things from the convenience store one day when suddenly they saw a bunch of bad guys in an ambulance coming towards them.

They are about to go home when the bad guys came towards miriam. she sees that they are holding a stretcher so she wonders why when she is not sick. suddenly, they put her on the stretcher and she attempts to climb out. however, they put her backwards on the stretcher and tie her legs with azure mist rope. she plans to hop out but they bring her back and tie her hands in front of her with a pale azure bandana. she tells them to let her go but they don't listen. rose and olive hear this and rush towards the bad guys to free miriam but they cover rose's mouth. olive frees rose and they continue trying to stop the bad guys but they don't want any interferences. miriam tells them to come quickly but they are coming towards her. Miriam tries to turn her face away from them but the bad guys don't want any noises so the first one cups her face still with his hand and the second guy gags her with a pale celeste shawl before putting the stretcher in an ambulance and rushing off.

The bad guys arrive in an abandoned house. they park the ambulance and bring the stretcher to the bedroom. miriam sees them talking to their boss and tells him to take care of her. the boss agrees and tells them to leave. he looks at miriam and says"miriam, you're here because i need to see you personally without your sisters." miriam looks at him and wonders what he means. he says" i have been keeping an eye on you because i have realised that i like you but if I did it the normal way, they wouldn't accept me with you."
he sees that she is tied up and gagged and says" sorry let me take off your gag and bounds." after she is free, she says"why couldn't you see me without your sisters?" he says"i will have preferred that but none of my guys like them that way. i am the only one who likes you like that." she says"why didn't you let them rescue me when i was tied up and before i was gagged and sent here?" he says"it is because i like you not just emotionally but physically." she says"what do you mean?" he says"i need and want to be physically intimate with you only. if they come, we can't do that."

she says"i don't want to be here at all. I wish to be home with my sisters and the rest of my family." he says"sorry, I can't do that like i said just now. if you continue disobeying me, i will gag and bind you again but with additional bounds." she says"they already did that so it's no different now. you can go ahead." hearing her say this, he binds her and gags her the same way but he does additional things. he tapes a mint cream cloth on her nose so she can't remember anything and puts a light electric blue blindfold around her eyes."

she struggles to get free but he starts by kissing her body and unbuttoning her shirt pulling it off until where the bandana of her hands are exposing her chest. he proceeds to unzip her pants and pull them down until where the rope on her legs are and pulls her sports bra over head exposing her breasts. meanwhile, when all this is happening, rose and olive contact yanagi and tell him about what happened to miriam. yanagi hears this and rushes off to the abandoned house. when he reaches the bedroom, he sees suspicious movements and hears unexpected sounds. just as he is about to pull off her panties, yanagi kicks the door down with rose and olive behind him.

Yanagi deals with the boss and rose and olive go and free miriam. he says"who are you and what are you doing here?" yanagi says"what do you think you're doing kidnapping innocent girls like her?" while she says"thanks sisters for rescuing me. I kept trying to tell him I wanted to leave but he said that I was defiant and tied me up and gagged me just to be physically intimate with me. I struggled but he didn't listen at all. I talked calmly to him but inside I was so scared."

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