Chapter 1| I'm Weird, I know

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I wake up to the sun blaring through my windows. I realize that my favorite unicorn, Bob, has fallen on the floor.
"BOB!" I scream picking him up putting him back on my bed.

"SHUT UP!" My twin brother Kyle yells from his room which is right beside my room.

"NO!" I yell back. Me and Kyle are totally different. You see he loves sports, I hate sports with a passion. He has about 6 different girlfriends a week, I have had a total of, hold on give me a second to count, oh yeah zero boyfriends in my 17 years of life. He doesn't wear knee-high socks over his jeans on a weekly basis, I do. He has like 50 friends, I have 1. But we love each other anyway. Our differences make for interesting conversations. And fun Friday nights when I am in my room watching Heartland and eating Reece's while he is out partying. It is also interesting to see if people will actually believe we are twins.

I get out of bed and walk to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and hair before leaving the bathroom and going to my closet. I grab an I ❤️ Unicorns t-shirt and black jeans before going to my dresser. I get my smilie knee-high socks and a black sweatshirt. I put everything on before pulling on black converse. I grab my phone off my nightstand and my backpack from the corner and go downstairs. Did you notice that I did not put on makeup? Yeah that's because I don't see a point. I want a guy to like me for my real face and how I am not for a fake face and personality I put on every morning and because if I put on makeup I would have to stop up early and I don't want to do that. But if you wake up and put a full face of makeup on every morning like every other girl in my school then props to you.

I grab a banana and tell my mom goodbye before leaving my house. My dad left an hour ago. He is the P.E. coach which is bad cause P.E. is my least favorite class. I wait outside for 15 minutes before my brother comes out.

"Finally!" I yell heading toward our butler Jeff to get into the car. Did I forget to mention that I'm rich? Yeah well I am but don't worry I don't let it get to my head. I always clean up after myself so our maid Abby doesn't have to. Kyle always drives me to school but I always have to wait for him cause he has to do his hair for 10 minutes which is as long as it takes me to get ready.

We argue about who gets ready faster the whole 15 minutes to school. Once we get there I jump out and walk away so that I don't get tackled by the 100 girls wanting to see my brother.

"Love ya Kayla! Have a good day!" He yells after me while he makes his way to Cheyenne his current girlfriend who I doubt he will still be dating when I see him next.

"You too!" I yell back while I walk to my best friend Casey who is waiting for me by the door. She is beautiful with her long blond hair and blue eyes. She has had a crush on my brother since 5th grade. He has never told me but I can tell he likes her too. But I promised Casey I wouldn't interfere no matter how much I want to tell them the other one likes them.

"Hey Case." I tell her.

"Kyle is so hot." She says staring at him.

"Please never say that sentence to me again." I tell her disgusted.

"Sorry." She says as we walk to our lockers.

"Nice socks freak!" I hear a boy yell.

"Do you want to die sad and alone?" Another one says. I move closer to them prepared to kill them when arms are wrapped around me. I turn around to see Kyle.

"Can't I just hurt them once?" I ask him  "I promise I won't do any permanent damage." I beg.

"No." He says.


"Because they are my friends." He says.

"Your just gonna let your friends make fun of your sister!" I yell at him upset that he cares about his friends more than me. It's not the first time though. This happens everyday. At school I am known as freak to everyone except Casey and Kyle. I love him but sometimes I wish he wasn't popular.

"Kayla it's not like that." He says.

"Yeah whatever." I say walking away because we were drawing a crowd and I hate being the center of attention.


"Dad! Do I have to stay?" I ask my dad after school. He was making me stay for their football practice.

"Yes." He says.

"Ugh! Fine!" I say knowing that arguing won't do me any good. I walk to the bleachers and sit down. I watch them do a scrimmage with another team. I correct almost everything they do in my head. I might hate football but I've learned a thing or two.

"Tell them that if they make fun of me one more time they will be permanently damaged." I say.

"Oh the freaks feisty!" Adam says.

"Call me freak one more time and see what happens." I say through gritted teeth.

"Freak!" He says says and I punch him in the nose making it bleed.

"Who knew freak can punch." Blake Baker says. So I punch him too.

"Ow!" He yells "She's strong!" He says grabbing grabbing his nose.

"Ok Kayla stop hurting my team. I need them for Friday." Dad says grabbing my arms.

"I wouldn't need to punch them if they didn't make fun of me." I state crossing my arms.

"Boys stop." He says.

"We will. Especially now that we know what she can do." They all say in sync.

"You should have let me hurt them earlier and then I might not have been bullied all four years of high school , Kyle." I say glaring at him.

"Sorry" He says. Oh and by the way I was right he broke up with Cheyenne earlier today.

"Yeah whatever." I say.

"Ok boys go change you guys need to leave. I want to go home." Dad says pointing to the locker rooms. I walk over to my seat on the bleachers where I left my backpack and homework. I pick everything up and still have to wait for the boys to get out of the locker rooms.

"Do all boys take forever to get ready?" I ask Kyle when he comes out.

"Oh were you waiting on us?" Blake asks coming out.

"No I can't go home until you guys leave." I state.

"Well lucky for you I am going to your house to study." He says using my shoulder as an arm rest.

"You actually study?" I say fake gasping.

"Funny" He says back.

"I know I'm hilarious." I say back.

Hey! How did you like the first chapter? That's really all I have to say.

See ya suckers!

Love ya!

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