Chapter 7| She Called Me Freak

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A/N Important authors note at the end! Please read it! Also pic above is Victoria! Enjoy!

My alarm goes off Monday morning and I groan. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I take a shower and brush my teeth and hair before going back to my room. I grab a red sweatshirt that said 'NERD' in big white letters, skinny jeans, and black converse. I don't take the time to put my contacts in and go downstairs.

"Kawa!" My little brother, Bradley screams when I walk into the kitchen

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"Kawa!" My little brother, Bradley screams when I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning, buddy. Morning, Abby." I tell him and our maid who is more of a sister me.

"Good morning, Kayla." Abby says and hands me a cup of yogurt. 

"Holy crap! Their house is huge!" Lucas Lance says walking through the front door followed by Blake, Nathan and Steven.

"They're rich. You know this!" Blake says.

"Well, I didn't know their house was this big!" He defends.

"Morning, Kay!" Blake says wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Hi." I say and toss my empty yogurt cup in the trash can from my seat.

"Is there anything you are bad at?" Nathan asks.

"Umm, I'm horrible at art." I say.

"Abby wh-" Ella starts coming down the stairs. "Who are they?"

"Ella, this is Lucas, Nathan, and Steven. Guys, this is my sister Ella."  I say pointing to each person when I say their name. "Great, we are all acquainted, I'm going to school."

"Do I not get a kiss?" Blake asks when I walk to the door.

"No." I say spinning on my heels to see everyone's confused faces.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because it bothers you." I say.

"Wait! You guys are-" Blake cuts Nathan off.

"Yes, we are dating." Nathan starts to say something in return but I slip out the door and don't hear it. I plug my earbuds in my phone and starts my walk to school. My dad has already left and I don't know where Kyle is so I'm just going to walk. It's about a 15 minute walk but doesn't seem that long when I'm listening to music.

I arrive at school and walk to my locker. When I open my locker I pluck my earbuds out of my ears and put them in the front pocket of my backpack along with my phone. I soon feel a head on my shoulder and look over to see Blake.

"Hi." I say and kiss him.

"Yes!" He screams in victory.

"You're a dork." I say shaking my head at him.

"I know." He says and then the first bell rings.

"I've got to go." I say and close my locker.

"Ok. You're sitting by me at lunch." He says and kisses me.

"But if I sit by you then I have to sit by the rest of the popular kids." I pout.

"You'll be fine." He says and kisses me before I walk away.


"Hey, Kay!" Blake yells jogging towards me in the crowded hallway.

"Hey!" I say and walk to my locker. I put my books away and grab my phone and earbuds before closing my locker and heading towards the cafeteria with Blake.

"Do I have to?" I whine when he pulls me towards the 'popular table'.

"Yes. Come on." He says and grabs both my hands and drags me to the table and sits down. I sit next to him.

"Are you guys dating?" Molly, a girl on the cheer squad, asks.

"Yes." Blake and I say in unison.

"Wow, the star quarterback actually likes the freak? He has to be either blind or this is some sort of bet." Victoria Ellis, the schools mean girl, says from behind me. I tense at my much hated nickname and I stand up. Blake knows what's about to happen and stands up in case he needs to hold me back.

"Well, it's nice to see you, freak." She says smugly.

"I'm afraid I can't say the same thing about you." I say crossing my arms.

"Oh, so now that you're dating Blake you think you can talk to me like that?" She asks.

"I can talk to you however the heck I want and me dating Blake is non of your business." I say.

"It's not my fault that there is no possible way he could actually like you." She says.

"Blake?" I say hoping he knows what I'm asking.

"Go ahead." He says and I throw my fist into Victoria's perfect nose. She squeals and tumbles to the floor dramatically. I didn't even punch her that hard.

"Kayla Summers! My office NOW!" The principal booms.

"Good luck." The rest of the kids at the table say as I walk over to our principal Mr. Kelley.

"Since you never get in trouble I'm not going to go to hard on you. But why did you do it?" He asks once I sit in a chair in his office.

"She called me freak." I tell him, not wanting to tell him the full story.

"Ok. Has this happened before?" He asks.

"Yes, its not just her. A bunch of kids do it. Most of them actually." I say, not making eye contact.

"When did it start?" He asks writing something on a notepad in front of him.

"Freshman year." I mumble.

"Ok. I'll let you off the hook this time but if it happens again you will be punished." He says. I jump up from my chair and thank him before leaving his office.
Hey! Ok, so I've noticed something about this book that could be confusing. In the beginning of this book it was mentioned that Kayla had 6 brothers. She does not. I wanted a book with a big family and Coach's Daughter has that so Kayla has 2 brothers and 2 sisters. There is a cast list for their family at the beginning of this book.

I will be updating this book every Friday and for the people that read my other books, Coach's Daughter is updated on Monday's and Bad Boy, Good Girl is updated on Wednesday's.

See ya suckers!

Love ya!

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